Chapter 8

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"There's my favorite commander, so how'd the battle go?" he stood there nervously and didn't say a word. Lenver sat unmoving on his perch above him, he was watching him carefully. "Well, Firsa, I have some bad news" Firsa narrowed her eyes at him, "you didn't lose did you?" she said through clamped teeth. "I'm afraid so Firsa" he said shakily knowing he was going to die today, "well we probably didn't lose too much, right?" he shook his head hesitantly.
"We lost all the land we h-had ta-taken from Vin-Vinyash" Firsa growled at him and quickly stood up from her throne and spread her black wings in anger. He tried to turn around and run but Lenver was ready for that and flew down and blocked his exit, he grabbed the scared commander and forced him in front of Firsa.
"Thank you Lenver, now where was I?" she walked down the steps that lead from her throne swiftly and calmly. "Oh right, Lenver could you take him to Acells and get my silver blade polished, it could really use it" she winked at him and he smiled with delight.
"Oh of course my queen, I would love to" she handed him one of her silver blades and he stuck it up against the commanders throat. "You heard the queen" he half walks half drags the commander down into the lower levels of the castle and lead him down the dimly lit hallway toward the acells.
"Is this where Acells lives?" the commander asked nervously, "yup, it sure is" as soon as Lenver saw the acell he knew this would be fun. He opened the door to it and threw him inside the commander looked scared and confused, "is this where Acells is?" Lenver just shook his head.
He quickly walked over to the commander and sliced his side, sending blood everywhere. Lenver couldn't help but feel good about what he was doing, he slashed the commanders back and another yell in pain echoed from the commanders mouth, Lenver smiled.
After a few more slashes he walked out of the acell and turned back to the commander as he grabbed the door. "This is 'Acells'" and he slammed the door shut but before he left he flipped a lever, and listened closely as acid was poured into the cell. The commanders screams were heavenly, and Lenver couldn't help but stand there and listen until the screams stopped.
He switched on another lever that drained the cell before he walked back upstairs. He was covered in blood from head to talon and Firsa looked confused as to way that was.
"How come there's so much blood on you? You did just throw him in didn't you?" Lenver shook his head, his normal expression of not showing emotion was present. "I may have tortured him first, after all, he did lose the battle that would've made us top-kingdom" he growled, "yes I suppose you're right, may I have my blade back?" Lenver walked over to her but before he handed it to her he licked some of the blood off of it.
"Here..." he said in an almost insane way, Firsa looked a little scared. "Lenver, you're starting to scare me" he only looked at her and shrugged, "sorry my queen, I don't know what got into me" Firsa looked a little calmer. "Let's see that whatever got into you comes out" Lenver laughed, "I hope so..." he turned and flew back up to his perch and started to worry about what was happening to him.

"I can't believe we lost" Tynler said in anger, he turned to his brother Chrys and he nodded in agreement. "I'm just glad we're still alive" they laughed, "hey have you seen the commander? I've been looking for him ever since he got back from the war" Chrys and Tynler looked at each other and then back at her.
"He's dead" Chrys replied, she looked shocked and little sad. "What!? What do mean dead?!" Tynler rolled his eyes. "I mean he's dead, do I have to spell it out for you?" she couldn't believe what she was hearing, "how can you be so sure?" Chrys and Tynler laughed, "he lost the war, he went to speak to Firsa about it, he is now dead" she looked confused.
"Doesn't mean he's dead, could just mean he's taking a while" Chrys shook his head, "nope, I'm one hundred percent sure he's dead, he lost, the war and his life" Tynler laughed, "you know that's right" and they both laughed.
"How is this funny?! Your commander is dead! And you're laughing?!" Chrys whipped away a tear from laughing so hard before leaning forward a little and saying "listen darlin', I've seen about four to five commanders get killed since the time I joined the SkyTroops, it's no surprise to us that he's dead, it's happened before in the past, trust me, you'll probably get to see another commander come along and end up getting killed by Firsa" she stood there in disbelief.
"So what you're saying is if a commander, loses a battle, they get killed?" they both nodded, "yup, I think that commander lived longer than the rest of the others we've had" Tynler nodded. "I think you're right Chrys, it's a shame we lost the battle though" Chrys nodded, "yeah and friends of ours, those are the true Ditra's you need to be sad about, the commanders you learn to not get attached to because you know someday in the future they're going to die, either in battle or in Ditra Castle" Tynler nudged Chrys, "we have a better chance at living than any spy or commander" they both laughed and she just rolled her eyes and walked away.

Lenver had no idea what was happening to him, he actually enjoyed torturing that commander in the acell. He never in his life had been as happy as he was that day, torturing that commander, hearing his screams of terror, the blade slashing his body, the blood spattering everywhere... he thought as a smile slid across his face involuntary, and without him even knowing he was licking the blood off his hand.
He suddenly realized what he was doing and pulled his hand away from his mouth, what's happening to me? he asked himself as he looked at all the blood on him. Lenver didn't know if he should tell someone about what was happening to him but if he did would they not help him? He sat there on his perch thinking, his thoughts were being invaded with images of the tortured commander and the more he tried to push away those thoughts the more they seemed pleasant and he thought about torturing the commander even more.
He snapped himself out of it and again he was licking the blood off him and smiling. This time he jumped a little and yelped in surprise, this was starting to freak him out. Then he remembered someone who had gone through the same kinds of things, but he was exiled, to where? Lenver didn't know but he needed to find him and fast. He figured he'd ask the queen, she'd know, she had to know, for his sake.

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