Before We Begin

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Hello everyone and welcome to a far away world called Nigh. In Nigh there are six kingdoms, Vinyash, Ditra, Sandire, Wintile, Grasen, and Forent. These six kingdoms are located in different environments and are composed of humanoids, or half human half animal people.
Vinyash (vin-ya-sh) is a swamp biome home to the alligator people called Gators or Vinyas, they have the alligator tail, spines, scales, and teeth but they have the head of a human and the arms and legs of a human. Their greatest enemy being the Ditra's.
Ditra (die-truh) is a hilly biome home to the bird people called Gliders or Ditras, they have the bird wings, talons, tails, and feathers of the bird they resemble but they have the human head, arms, and legs. They are the most feared and most powerful, but not for long of course.
Sandire (san-dire) is pretty self explanatory, it's the desert biome home of the snake people called Slithers or Sandirs. They have no legs and instead take the lower half of the snake along with the scales, teeth, and tongue, everything else belongs to their human side. They are the smallest kingdom out of the six but the second most powerful.
Wintile (win-tile) is a winter biome that is home to many types of dogs and wolves called Paws or Wintils. They obviously have the tail, fur, ears, legs, and teeth of the dog or wolf they resemble and everything else is human. They are very skilled in war as well as solving problems in their own kingdom.
Grasen (grass-en) is a plains biome home to various types of cats and big cats called Claws, Grasen Cats, or Grasens. They have the tail, claws, back legs, fur, ears, teeth, and tongue of the cat they resemble while the rest is human. They are very strict in their way of training for battle but in general all Grasen Cats are an extent.
Last but not least Forent (four-ent), a forest biome home to rabbits and hares called Long Ears or Forens. They have the ears, fur, tail, back legs, and teeth of a rabbit and the rest is, you should know by now where I'm going with this so I'll leave you to it.

These kingdoms obviously want more than the small space they were given and often fight for territory, what they soon learned was that if they take over a piece of land from another kingdoms biome it turned into the biome the attacker came from, let's use an example. Say Wintile went into war with Sandire and Wintile won the land they wanted, the sand biome would then turn into the winter biome of Wintile, get it?
There's one more thing before you go and explore Nigh, if I make a mistake in the story I will try my best to fix it as I often reread the chapters I had wrote and fix the mistakes I've made but anyway, if I missed a mistake please, please, tell me so that I may fix it and as always. Keep reading, stay awesome, and I will hopefully catch your attention in One Broken Past.
Thank you for your read and time.

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