Chapter 7

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"You've all done well in training, you've all done well in defending, and you've all done well in using you're sword" commander Denwa said as she paced back and forth in front of them. "Todays battle will be different, you will not leave this battle ground until every last Ditra has left Vinyash! Understood!?" they all saluted her and yelled back, "yes commander Denwa!" she smiled. "Good! Now let's get out there and kill some Ditra's!" there was a cheer of excitement from the FightGators.
Denwa turned and faced the Ditra army and noticed they had changed their setup, but for the worse. Senkire was right, they would send in the strongest first thinking it would scare them off but this time it will fail, the other FightGators noticed this as well and were ready for this. "Charge!" Denwa yelled and pointed towards the Ditra army, there was a shouted response from the other side and both kingdoms charged at each other.

Yandra fired arrows left and right hitting some targets straight in the head or in the arm or leg. She was skilled enough to not hit any of the FightGators, she knew there would be returned fire soon as the SwordBirds got taken down one by one. "There!" one of the archers yelled and pointed toward the back of the opposing army, the archers were starting to emerge from the army but it was too late. For them.
By the time they moved into view Yandra and the others had already taken out a few of them. All of the sudden the archer next to her got hit with an arrow through the eye, Yandra flattened herself even more to be safe. She continued to fire arrows at the enemy team until another archer was taken out, this time she didn't ignore it, she looked at the direction it had entered his skull and noticed it came at a down angle. She quickly looked up and noticed archers above her, one was aimed at her.
As soon as the arrow left the bow she rolled out of the way and quickly aimed and fired at her. She fell out of the sky and landed on some of the other Ditra's, she smiled and laughed.

He sung his sword vigorously at the opposing Ditra's, trying and doing everything in his power to kill off as many as possible. He sliced the head off one Ditra and stabbed another in the stomach, he almost got his arm cut off but Yandra had shot her before he did. He was grateful that Yandra was a good shot and good eye, if she wasn't as good as she is, he definitely wouldn't be there today.
"Sanif!" Rintra called to him with a smile, "isn't this so tiring?" Sanif had to laugh.  "Not even a little!" and they both laughed as they continued to flawlessly kill Ditra's left and right. He knew it would be hard to get past the strongest Ditra's first but he knew it would be easy after that.

Qenmir fiercely fought off the enemies rushing toward her, left and right she slashed through them with her two steel swords. She stabbed a Ditra's shoulder and stabbed another's eye, she was quick and swift and made no mistake, she never missed her target. She butted heads with a Ditra as the battered on back and forth until Qenmir sliced his throat.
She started fighting with another Ditra and before long she noticed she was harder than the previous ones. She managed to kill her and take on another one that was just as hard, suddenly another one comes up and starts to fight her along side the other. She switches gears in her head and fights both of them at the same time.
Qenmir was doing great and blocked every swing made by the two Ditra's, she was beginning to get worried. She didn't know if she could keep this up for much longer. Before she could say anything or do anything one of the two Ditra's got struck with an arrow but before he fell he grabbed Qenmir by the throat and whispered in her ear, "you're comin' down with me!" and she was pulled down and onto his sword. Impaling her and leaving her still on the ground.

"There's too many of them!" Sanif called to him, he was trying his best to kill anyone that came at him. "Keep fighting Sanif! We can do this! Just keep pushing!" he called back, he was starting to get tired but he knew he couldn't give up now. The Ditra's had made a pretty well made battle tactic but that didn't mean they couldn't do this.
Rintra slowly made his way toward where Sanif stood and they fought back to back, they were being more efficient that way and killing more. Rintra was noticing they were using the same tactic as the Ditra except in more organized fashion, others must have noticed and started doing the same thing.
It wasn't too long after that they started to move forward into Ditra territory, the once mountainous lands were becoming the swampy kingdom of Vinyash. They continued to push back until all of their land had been restored.

"We've done it!" Sanif called as the Ditra flew back into their territory, there were victory cries that followed. "Commander! What do think of that!?" Sanif looked around and noticed he didn't see or hear Denwa, "Denwa?" he beginning to get worried and started to frantically look around. "Denwa!" he called, everyone immediately started to frantically look around for her.
"Here!" a female FightGator called, Sanif immediately ran over to her and what he saw was what he was afraid of. "No" he said in disbelief, "no, no, no, no no no no!" he fell to his knees and lifted up the front end of the now dead commander. Everyone stood around in shock and sadness.
"She brought us into this battle bravely, only for her to be taken out of it" Sanif said calmly through tear filled eyes. "I shall bring her to the queen" he picked her up and began to carry her back to Vinyash.

"Qenmir!" Yandra called, "Qenmir!" she hadn't seen her since the beginning of the battle. "Qenmir!" she exclaimed in horror as she noticed her laying in the grass, "Qenmir wake up! Qenmir please!" she quickly got down on her knees and cradled her. "Qenmir please, wake up, please, come on, I know you're still awake, please wake up" she repeated over and over again in a disbelieving whisper to her.
"Qenmir please!" she said as tears began to form in her eyes, "Q-Qenmir?" she slowly opened her eyes. "Qenmir! You're alive!" she coughed and wheezed, "Y-Yan-n-dra, listen cl-o-osely" Yandra leaned an ear over her mouth. "I w-want yo-ou to ha-ave something of m-mine" she slowly reached up toward her neck and revealed a key on a necklace.
"With this key yo-ou c-can unl-lock a sacred bo-ox, follow the paths that lead t-to th-the waterfall, be-hind it is wh-where yo-ou can fi-ind that box..." her voice fades away and her eyes become dim. Yandra shakes her a little, "Qenmir?" there's no answer, "Qenmir!" still no reply and Yandra begins to cry. She takes the key necklace and wears it in Qenmir's name.
She picks up Qenmir's black bloody scaled body and closes her one blue eye and one brown eye in respect before she starts to carry her back to Vinyash. "I will find that box, and I will, avenge your death".

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