Chapter 3

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Titir slithered back in forth in thought, he was beginning to get worried about Vinyash, he was surprised Senkire hadn't begun to fight back yet. "Titir?" his assistant walked in and noticed his pacing, "something wrong?" she slithered in further. "Nothing that should trouble you Yunsir, I was merely thinking about the wars happening in Vinyash" he turned and slithered back to his sandstone throne and curled himself in it.
"One of our patrols found blood around Ditras' border, the blood smells like one of their own kind" Titir looked surprised at this. "Are you sure?" she nodded, "we've also heard from Wintile that they found blood around their border as well along with the head of a Glider" he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Firsa is only doing this to prove a point, she's acting out of paranoia and fear, she wants to make herself look bigger than the rest of us" he flicked his tongue in anger.
"I hate how some of leaders do this" Yunsire agreed, "they make everyone else look so foolish when in fact we're stronger then them!" she rattled her tail and hissed in anger. "Easy Yunsir, you do stupid things under anger, don't make the same mistake my father did" he placed a hand on his fathers pendant. It was made from the finest silver with two snakes wrapped around a tigers eye gem, his father gave it to him when he was young.
"You remember the tale don't you?" he looked down at her with his red sad eyes, she nodded. "The war was brutal on Sandire so many years ago, my father being the sore loser he was was infuriated by the many loses they had had that year he became careless and heartless. He forced his ScaleWarriors into fierce battle and not many returned, that's why we're the smallest kingdom" Yunsire eased a little but was still a little mad.
"It's alright to be mad just don't act on it, then again I should be the one keeping calm, you don't really have to worry about keeping your cool" he looked to his right and looked off into space. Yunsire left him alone and went to check on the ScaleWarriors, she wanted to make sure they were ready for the invasion of Wintile.

He gripped the sword tightly in his hand as he swung at his opponent, she dodged it and counter-struck with a backhand slash to his side. Metal hit metal as she swung and he was knocked to the ground easily, he recovered quickly and curled around her tightening as more of him was wrapped around her. He loosened his grip and slithered to the other side of her.
"Very good, you've done well" she said as he saluted her, "your recovery could've been better and quicker but I think you did excellently, off to your camp with you" he saluted her once more before leaving through the opening in the sandstone training hall.
"Ah Yunsire" she said as she slithered inside, "how may I help you?" Yunsire saluted her before saying "I was only making sure your ScaleWarriors were ready for when the king calls for the invasion" Onslin nodded.
"Of course we are, I've been training each one since early this morning, giving them tips and fixing something in their style of movement" Yunsire smiled. "I must say you certainly know what you're doing don't you? You haven't gotten hurt have you?" Onslin took off the chest plate she was wearing and showed her a deep slash in her arm and chest. "It looks worse than it is and these aren't from actual battle" she looked even more impressed.
"Incredible, then we're surely prepared for war, I have a feeling Ditra will try and claim part of our land once they conquer Vinyash" she held up a hand, "if they conquer Vinyash" Yunsire sighed. "I hope that queen knows what she's doing" Yunsire nodded, "I hope so too" they both sighed and feared for the Queen of Vinyash.

"So how are they?" Titir said as Yunsire walked in Sandire Castle, "they're certainly ready for battle if that's what your asking" she smiled and slithered closer. "Excellent, now we must plan our attack route" he slithered over to where his map table sat, he muttered "this will be the last time Wintile tries to take more land from us" he hissed and flicked his tongue.
Yunsire hissed in agreement, she was fed up with the stubborn Wintile Queen always trying to one-up Sandire. That stubborn queen thinks she's better and stronger than us! she thought to herself, this time we'll prove to her we're the stronger ones she flicked her tongue in delight and smiled slyly.
"Yunsire" Titir called over to her, she slithered over and stood next to him. "Yes Titir" she said sounding concerned, "what do you think of sending in the BowSnakes in first and then the ConstrictingTails next" Yunsire looked down at the map. "Yes that sounds fine, but how many rows of BowSnakes?" Titir rubbed his chin before replying with "I was thinking three rows of 12?" she continued looking down at the map and thinking about what he had said.
"What if we mix it up a little?" Titir looked at her in curiosity, "what did you have in mind?" Yunsire points at the border, "what if we had one row of BowSnakes and then one row of ConstrictingTails and then a row of ScaleWarriors and then alternate between the three" Titir seemed to like that idea.
"So now that we have a plan when shall we strike?" Yunsire asked excitedly, "we attack tomorrow at High Star, send our messenger to Wintile to deliver the news" she nodded and saluted him before she slithered out of the castle and toward where the messenger usually was when he was off duty.

He leaned up against a post waiting for something to happen that day, he was looking for a bar fight to break out. He didn't just hang out at a bar to drink and maybe get himself a nice mate, he was there for a fight, he was there for blood.
"Hey" he whispered to one of the snakes there, "I couldn't help but over hear that snake talk trash about how flimsy your arms are" the snake he was talking to looked to where he had pointed and hissed. The snake got up and slithered over to where the other snake sat and before he knew it a fight broke out. He couldn't help but cheer them on, there were a lot of other snakes that hissed and rattled their tails at the excitement.
"Bulvon!" he looked at the entrance and noticed Yunsire beckoning for him to come over, he reluctantly left the fight alone and went to see what she wanted. She handed him an enclosed envelope and whispered in his ear "you are to give this to the Queen of Wintile, do not open it, it's about when the war will happen" he leaned toward her ear and whispered back, "I got this darlin' no need to worry about me" and with that he slithered out the door toward Wintile.

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