Chapter 1

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    "Come forth Yandra, you wanted to speak to me?" Yandra stepped forward, she was fed up with the way Vinyash's commander operated their military force. "It's about commander Denwa" she started, "oh?" she raised an eyebrow questioningly, "and what about commander Denwa?" she sat up in her vine covered throne and twisted her thick scaly tail around one of her scaly legs, she wondered how she was even capable of doing that since she did have one of the biggest alligator tails in Vinyash. She looked up at her and crossed her scaly arms and slid her tail back and forth slowly.
    "This is the third time we've been forced back by Ditra, our commander gives up too easily, in the last battle we had there were less Ditras then Vinyas and some of us didn't even touch the Ditra because Denwa called us back and retreated" she rubbed her chin with her claws in thought. "You bring up a very good argument but where is the proof?" Yandra stood there for a moment before narrowing her eyes at her and saying, "the proof, is how much land we've lost in the past few weeks!" she was getting a little frustrated with her.
    "Watch your tongue! Your commander is a fine one and you should listen to her tactics!" she snapped, "her 'tactics' get more of our land taken over!" she snapped back, "and how many Vinyas have we lost!" Yandra was about to protest but stopped, and thought about that and realized they hadn't lost too many in the past few wars. "Not a lot actually" then she realized what she was doing.
"You're just making them think they're winning and then when they get too close that's when the real battle happens, right?" she nodded and smiled, "now you get it" she stood up from her throne and walked over to a table with a map on it, "if you'll excuse me, I must prepare for when we really go into battle".

    "So" Sanif said as Yandra walked out of the marshy castle, "what'd she say?" Yandra smiled and simply said "just listen to commander Denwa" and she walked past him toward where the other soldiers sat and chatted amongst themselves waiting to be called into battle once more. "Yandra!" Jyten called over to her and gestured for her to sit down. Yandra sat down next to him and looked over, "it looks like someone is in a better mood" she nodded, "turns out I got commander Denwa all wrong" he looked curiously at her. "Well you see their strategy is actually quite risky but it's a well laid trap if we have the military power for it" he thought about what she had said before nodding.
"Well whatever it is it better be good" Qenmir said as she walked up to where they sat, she was fed up with commander Denwa as well. "Well if commander Denwa doesn't get used to what she's doing then we'll be fine when the real battle comes up" they looked at her confused, "you'll see what I mean, but I'm worried that some of our FightGators won't gain the field experience if we keep retreating back like we do" Qenmir nodded. "Which explains why our training has been as fierce as ever" Jyten pointed out, Yandra and Qenmir nodded, "which is fine but without the field experience we're partially not prepared for this" they sighed.

    "Oh my god, training today was unbearable!" Rintra complained as they retreated back into their campsite, everyone rolled their eyes, Rintra was always a complainer. "Yandra, a word?" Denwa said and gestured for her to come over, Yandra walked over to her and waited for her to speak. "The queen told me you know of our plan" she nodded, "have you told anyone?" Yandra shook her head, "not exactly anyway, I told Qenmir and Jyten that what we were doing was risky but could be pulled off" Denwa seemed to like that answer. "Clever girl, you didn't want to risk our plan did you?" Yandra shook her head, "no I didn't, even though they have been with us for a while they could still be traitors" Denwa smiled. "Nice answer, now you may return to your camp" Yandra nodded before returning to where her friends sat.

    "Don't you think the training today was unbearable?" Rintra asked as she walked over to them. "No, I thought it was refreshing" Rintra looked confused, "refreshing!? how was any of that refreshing?!" Yandra laughed. "Well since we haven't really fought in any battles lately getting to use my bow again was great!" some of the other FightGators gave murmurs of agreement. "I was starting to think my battle sword wasn't going to get used for anything" Sanif said as he polished it up, there were some laughs that followed.
    "None of you feel exhausted?!" everyone shook their head, "I agree with Yandra" Qenmir said and a few nods were seen along with murmurs of agreement once more, Rintra crossed his arms and then stopped off. Yandra couldn't help but laugh at him a little, Qenmir patted the ground next to her and Yandra walked over.
    "You really think the Queen and Denwa know what they're doing?" Yandra sighed, "I hope so, apparently we can't trust one another for fear of there being a spy" Qenmir looked around, "is that why you didn't go into details earlier?" she nodded. "That's what Denwa talked to me about" Jyten walked over and sat down next to them, "hey Jyten" Yandra said happily as he sat down, Qenmir nodded a hello before looking into the fire before them.

    Yandra feared for the future, she was glad their training was increased and that the FightGators enjoyed the feeling of swinging a blade or firing a bow but without actually being in combat with another it was just too easy. Yandra had to do something about this, she knew if their army wasn't prepared for the real fight then there was no chance they'd win. I must speak with Queen Senkire before it's too late she thought to herself as she walked into Vinyash Castle.
    "Excuse me, Queen Senkire?" she called as she walked in further, Senkire was leaning over the map table looking down at it thoughtfully. "Senkire?" she looked over her shoulder at Yandra, she smiled at her but there was a hint of worry behind her orange eyes. "Yes Yandra, what is it?" she spoke calmly and Yandra stepped a little closer, "is there any chance we could practice combat moves on our fellow FightGators? I think it would greatly effect how the real battle will go down" Senkire thought about it for a little while before returning with, "sure, I'll make sure of it, tell commander Denwa of this and tell her I said it was a brilliant idea" Yandra took a small bow before saying "thank you Queen Senkire" and walked out of Vinyash Castle.
    "So what'd she say?" Sanif again standing outside waiting for her, "what's it to you?" Yandra know getting suspicious of him. "Just curious is all" she shrugged and walked past him toward Denwa.
    "Ah Yandra! How have you been?" Denwa said cheerfully as she walked inside her mud cave. "I've been good, hey, can we start using each other for combat training? I think it would greatly advance us in our skills" Denwa's brown eyes lit up.
    "What an excellent idea! We'll have to use fake weapons of course but that is a brilliant idea!" Yandra smiled and slid her brown scaly tail back and forth. "Did you tell Senkire about this?" she nodded, "of course, she was the first one I told" Denwa smiled, her pointy teeth showing even more. "Clever girl, now, let's inform the others tomorrow, right now we must rest" Yandra nodded and took a small bow before leaving the small mud cave.

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