11. Disturbing Events

Comenzar desde el principio

He stared into my eyes with his chocolaty orbs that held the same immense longing I had seen in them multiple times. He reached out and touched my cheek and tingles exploded wherever his fingers moved.

He opened his mouth and his rich deep voice filled my ears and my eyes widened at the word he uttered.



I woke up with a start, slightly out of breath and my heart beating fast.

A dream?

It was so strange. I was in the woods and the wolf was there and suddenly, it disappeared and the CEO appeared in its place. And who was that woman in white I had seen? I didn't get to see her face.

Puzzled, I sat up, wincing at the pain in my leg. I looked at the clock; it read 7:30 am. I turned my head towards the empty bed on the other side of the small room, then I sighed and ran my hands through my messy tangled hair, still in deep thought about the woman in white and suddenly I stopped combing my fingers through my hair.

Speaking of white...

I slowly got off the bed and limped to the mirror. It was painful but I could bear it.

I almost recoiled in shock at the state I was in. I looked like the reincarnation of medusa! My eyes were puffy, almost the size of onions, from having slept too much. My skin was pale and my hair made me look like I had been electrocuted.

Sighing deeply I took my hairbrush and began my war against the tangles. Halfway through, I found what I had been dreading. I put the hairbrush down and moved my brown locks away to expose the tuft of white hair on the right side of my partition. Well it wasn't exactly white, it was silver.

I groaned deeply and rested my head against the mirror. I would have to color it again. I had premature greying of hair. First it was just a few strands but soon a whole tuft of hair turned silvery grey almost looking like I had colored it.

People used to tease me about it all the time. Worried that it would soon all turn grey, I had started coloring those few grey strands so they were the same color as the rest of my hair.

Strangely enough not all of my hair turned grey, just a tuft of hair about an inch thick did. So now I had to color that tuft periodically every time it became too noticeable. And it looked like today was the day to do it.

I groaned again pushing myself away from the mirror and limped to the bathroom.


Slumped against the wall sitting on the hard orthopedic bed in my room in the staff quarters, my hair now completely brown and dripping wet, I glared daggers and knifes and scalpels and blades and every other sharp object created, at the wall opposite me. The door had already gone through this torture and the mirror was next in line.

After my eyes started burning from not having blinked in the last 30 something seconds, I squeezed them shut for a while before inhaling deeply and reentering my train of troublesome thoughts.

In the bathroom when I had been wondering about my strange dream, I had also started recalling all the things that had happened yesterday and everything I had done, and by the time I finished, my skin had turned a bright red, not from the hot water, but from the embarrassment and irritation. And the same was happening now.

Let's see...

I had almost strangled the CEO, thrown water at myself, been told to GET OUT, got lost in a forest, fallen from a tree, sprained my ankle, got cornered by a wild animal, slapped it, run from it, been sat on and licked by it, passed out, torn my skirt, been chased by half a dozen hospital staff, flashed the CEO, been hugged by him multiple times, experienced extreme pain and abruptly fallen asleep.

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