I Wanna be With You

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Gabbi's Pov  

I look around the dark room and sigh. It was just another nightmare, I have always had them and they would be about the weirdest things. For example the nightmare that caused me to just wakeup featured a duck in a hotdog costume. Something stirred to my left and almost gave me a heart attack. I squinted my eyes, trying to adjust to the lack of light when suddenly I remembered that I stayed over at the hotel and fell asleep on Liam's bed. My heart returned to it's normal pattern and I snuggled back into Liam's toned chest. Instantly he put his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. Liam and I have got a lot closer since Cindy's passing. Yesterday he sang a song to me that is going to be in the album. Liam said he wrote it when Josh and I were a couple. The song is called 'I Wish'(Author's Note.I am just going to assume everyone knows this song) It is beautiful and tears came to my eyes when Liam's breath taking voice sang it to me. But for a change it was happy tears and not sad depressing tears. Liam Payne made me speechless and I am just going throw it out there that is a very hard job. At the moment Liam and I aren't an item...yet.

Hannah's Pov  

I am only 2 1/2. months pregnant and I can tell I'm already gaining weight. I figure it could either be two things 1,It could be part of the pregnancy  2,and the more believable theory, I use being pregnant as an excuse to eat everything. I would do that normally but I would weigh 300 pounds with no excuse. Do not judge I like doughnuts..that are filled with Boston cream... covered in chocolate. I glance at the alarm clock and decide I should probably go to sleep because I have a doctors appointment at seven tomorrow morning. I pulled the light blue duvet over my face and wrapped my body in it. Suddenly it got jerked away leaving me bare and blanketless, so I yanked it back and just as I was getting cozy it was ripped off of me. After about ten minutes of tug of war I got mad and literally kicked Tyler off of the bed. After I heard the thud of his body reaching the floor I threw a flat pillow and a dark blue throw blanket on the ground, I am not that heartless. I then wrapped myself in the plush blankie and drifted off into the blackness. 

Niall's Pov 

I stared at the wall clock hanging above the doorframe. It was a One Direction clock that Louis got Cindy for Christmas last year. There was a picture of all of us in the middle. I looked so happy, it even looks like I was in the middle of a laugh.Now I'm all alone in this empty room. I am starting to forget things, I don't remember her laugh and can only vaguely remember Cindy's voice. I glance at my phone and a idea pops into my head. I was informed that her phone was going to be deactivated this weekend. I pick up my plain phone and dial an all to familiar number. It automatically goes to voicemail. After the annoying voice operator talks I hear the angelic voice say, "Hey this is Cindy I couldn't get to the phone so leave your name and number and I will get back to you" It took me a minute to hang up the phone. I don't know why but I grab the black journal siting with the pile of stuff that came from the hospital.

Louis's Pov 

"Louis?" Harry asked from across the hotel room. "Yeah" I answered. "When can we tell people about us?" Harry questioned while moving a curl out of his face. I sighed I knew that he was going to ask me this eventually. To avoid a fight I shrugged my shoulders. "I need a verbal answer with an explanation" Harry said sternly but still sweetly. "I don't know, not anytime in the near future" I said a bit harshly avoiding his gaze. "Why? Am I really that horrible that you can't admit to other people that you have feelings for me?" "I do not want to be known as a damn homo!, ok? Does that make you feel better?" I shouted. "Thanks for telling me how you feel" Harry said in a small voice before walking out of the room leaving me alone. What the hell did I just do? All well he will forgive me, won't he? 

Nicolette's Pov

I stuffed my final shirt into my suit case. I had to go back to London and try to live my life normally. Gabbi was staying a week longer to make sure everything was going smoothly but my work wouldn't allow it. "All done?" Hunter asked as I zipped up the dark blue bag. I nodded my head yes. He took the bag from my hand and put it by the door along side his own suit case. "I'm so tired" I groaned jumping onto the couch. "Me to" Hunter chirped jumping on top of me  

Niall/Journal Entry 

I can not take this anymore. I need to be with you. You promised you would never leave me! I guess you didn't have much control over it. I finally know what I am going to do. I try to scream but my voice is mute and everything thing is silent. There is nothing left for me to do, life would just be better if I wasn't here. The thought of my life brings tears to my eyes.

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