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Cindy's Pov

"Niall" I said trying to stop him from rambling. "Sorry I just miss you, I miss us" He stuttered. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel the same way but I wasn't going to tell him that, he had a girlfriend for crying out loud. "Niall stop you have a girlfriend now and I don't think she would be to happy about this conversation." I said trying to stand my ground" "Girlfriend?" Niall asked like he was clueless. "Yes, how soon did you forget Barbie?" I sternly said into the phone. "She is not anything really" He spoke casually into the phone."Umn I think she is something if she is your girlfriend" I emphasized on the word girlfriend. "You don't understand" He said in a small voice. "Your right I don't understand" I agreed getting annoyed at him. "Cindyyy",Niall whined into the phone. "Niall I am trying to move on just please leave me be, you clearly have moved on just please let me do the same" I pleaded. There was silence on the other line. 

Niall's Pov

I looked to Liam for support. "Niall I have to go" She sadly said into the phone. "Wait Cindy" but of course it was to late. I am so stupid. How can I get management to let me get rid of Courtney? "Niall!" Liam exclaimed. I turned my head towards his slumped figure. "I have a plan" He chirped. "What?" I curiously questioned. "All you have to do is listen and do exactly as I say" Liam warned. "I Niall James Horan swear to do exactly as you say" I agreed as I rose my right hand. Liam just gave me a weird look before saying,"I have to make a phone call I will be back in a few minutes" I learned a long time ago not to question Liam so I didn't say anything only nodded my head. I then decided it would be nice to go see the other lads.  

Cindy's Pov

I am so proud of myself for not giving into Niall. Has he gone mad? I put my hair in a messy bun and when I say messy I mean messy. I then took off my makeup and washed my face with the orange scented face wash. Today was going to be one of those lazy stay at home watch movie days. After I was makeup free I went into my bedroom and changed into a pair of hot pink sweat pants and a plain black T shirt. I then got out my suit cases. After all I was leaving in two short days. I started to pack my shoes but got bored and wondered into the living room to see what was going on.  

Liam's Pov

"How many days do we have to wait?" I asked into my cell phone. "I should have the answer in a day, maybe two" The voice said back. "Two days?" I groaned. "Nothing is official, Liam, so please don't get anyone's hopes up" The voice instructed. "I won't" I promised. "Ok I will see what I can do, have a nice day" The voice spoke again. I didn't have time to answer before he hung up.  

Harry's Pov

"Lou, can you get me some honey, hunny" I asked cheekily. Louis gave me a wink that was quite cute.Louis fetched the honey and put it in my Yorkshire tea. I looked into the ocean blue pools he calls his eyes. I could get lost in them for ages. He noticed my staring and said, "Boo!" He teased. Even though he was only joking my cheeks started to heat up. He didn't know what effect he had on me. I admit I have a tiny man crush on Louis. How could anyone not, Louis's picture should be in the dictionary next to the word perfect. I would never ever tell him that though. He would probably never talk to me again. I couldn't handle not talking to my best friend. Not to mention I would be labeled as a 'gay freak'. I now noticed Louis was looking into my eyes and slowly moving in towards me. Oh my gosh Louis Tomlinson is going to kiss me! As my heart started pounding I started to lean in as well. Just as I could feel Louis's minty breath on my lip. I heard someone walk into the door. I pulled back and in the process fell over the couch. I then heard Niall say" Harry, are you straight?" I panicked and said, "Yes, I like girls, why ask that kind of question?" Niall gave me a confused look. "I meant are you ok" He explained. "Duh!, "Louis said before winking at me while Niall's back was to him. That cheeky bastard. I then took Niall's out stretched hand and pulled myself up. Why did he have to ruin the moment. It was so perfect. Well everything involving Louis was. He tends to have that effect on things. "Liam and I made up" Niall smiled. "Finally" Zayn mumbled as he walked into Louis's hotel suite."Speaking of poopy head, where is he? "Louis asked. Ignoring Louis's natural behavior Niall answered,"He had to make a call or something". "So how did you and Liam make up" Zayn asked Niall. Everyone looked to Niall, awaiting the answer. "Well let's just say we are so having make up sex" Niall joked. It was almost like the old Niall was back. Key word almost, I could tell it was just a brave face and he plastered on a fake smile. Niall Horan's real smile was one of the most amazing things ever and the smile he show cased was not it. It sure beat the Niall that just layed in bed all day, preformed and for a second forget about everything and be happy but as soon as he is done turns back into a lifeless potato.Get it because he's Irish. I made a funny, I silently chuckled to myself. I am so humorous if this whole popstar thing doesn't work out I am so going to be a comedian. Maybe I could even get one of those puppets and talk in funny voices. I would get a cat puppet and name it Sherman! That would be the life then when I got old like age 40 we would retire to our beach home in California. Sherman and I would build sand castles and live happily ever after.

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