138. How He Tells The Fans That You're Dating

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Nash: He had invited you to one of his red carpet events. As he was doing an interview, the person asked him who he had brought for the night. He reached over and pulled you in close by the waist and said, "This special lady right here, my girlfriend."

Aaron: Aaron asked everyone on Twitter to tweet him questions about relationship advice for his new YouTube video. When the video was uploaded, it had you in and it turned out to actually be the Girlfriend Tag.

Matt: He had posted a photo of you guys from when you went to Disneyland. You both had on Mickey Mouse ears and he was giving you a piggy back ride. Matt captioned the photo, "It wouldn't be the happiest place on Earth without my Minnie," and tagged you in it.

Jack J: He randomly posted a song on SoundCloud that was the title of your name. It was about the first time you guys met and how he was so glad that he gets to call you his girl.

Taylor: Taylor was doing another one of his typical Younow's. He said that once the people watching got to 10k he would reveal a huge secret. The goal was reached in seconds and he brought the computer over to where you were and gave you a passionate kiss on the lips.

Shawn: During the Taylor Swift tour, he flew you out to LA for the show. While you were backstage, Shawn said he had an announcement to make. He brought you on stage and said, "Meet my beautiful girlfriend!"

Carter: All day he would be snapping pics of you guys together, but the photos were always blurry or he would cover your face with an emoji. At the end of his story, he took a video and said, "Guys, this is bae!"

Jack G: You guys had been subtweeting each other for a while. Finally one day, Jack decided to put all the rumours to rest. He tweeted, "Yes, @yourtwittername and I are dating. We are happy together, and I hope you guys love her as much as I do!"

Cameron: Cam made a Vine. It was about him complaining about the single life and how lonely he was. Right at the end you popped in to save the day.

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