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Omgomgomg... My fist story ever finally hit 1k views.Not in my wildest dreams did i imagine that ill hit the target and that in only three months and for five chaps!! I'm so happy. And for that, I have you guys to thank. So I'd like to personally thank you all.

SmilingWhiteMoon you're the coolest person ever. You're always voting my story and leaving behind awesome comments that make my heart swell. Thank you for reading my story. I'm so lucky to have you not just as a reader but also a friend.

hinata_uchiha2,NaruInoHinaSasu,cozmokoks10500,you guys were the first ones to vote and comment my story. I don't know if you're following the story anymore but you'll always hold special place in my heart. Thank you guys:)

cutiemann my closest friend on wattpad. I don't have words to tell you what you mean to me. I love talking to you. And i love it when you call me di:*

BakaAnca,QueenAali,darkmoon12345,domcom1 ,SasunaHyuchiha, Love_Divided_By_Hate, _H_o_P_e_13 thank you guys for sticking to this story so far and not giving up on it.You guys are all awesome!!

UchihaLover420,Luna6132002,ravengaryson21,leosasuhinafan,MimiMomona,KaguraTheMafiaBoss,southparkcrazyanime ,Zoldyck_Maja ,pandastorm224,Maiko_Chan ,Elizbethx ,ghadaaaaaaa ,minsugica ,llyod16 ,chelseanicoleginns6 ,heylala ,Luna6132002: whether you follow this story or not just so you know that im grateful to you guys for giving this story a chance.Thank you for your votes/comments.

There are probably more people i might not have mentioned.those who shared/added my story to their reading list.im grateful to all of you.

and my chibi shy readers, i havent forgotten about you.thanks to every single person who gave my story a read or even a passing glace.*bows deeply*

And ofcourse,Thank you God for helping me out in every field and giving me he ability to write.

The Nameless DragonWhere stories live. Discover now