Interlude 1

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Disclaimer:Don't  own Naruto.

"Again. "

As instructed, the young brunette launched, with all his might, he tried to strike with his sword but was easily evaded. The older man pushed him back yet again, not even needing his weapon to do anything for him.

"Your stamina is good but your footing could use some work. "He stated. "Let's take a break, five minutes? "He watched the smaller Hyuuga breathing laboriously with sweat trickling down his face.

"No, I can still go on. "The child said, determined. Even as a four year old, he understood the position he held. He was a prince. One day he'd take the throne. For that day, he would have to be prepared. So he would train, day in and day out, until he could barely move.

His teacher noded. He understood him. And even if the boy wasn't very good at wielding his sword, yet, he was proud of him. He was a responsible child and would do great as a king. He was proud to call him his student and prince. "Alright. One more round then. "The young prince stood straight, holding his sword defensively.

"My prince. "A man interrupted.

"Uncle. "The brunette turned to the newcomer and marched up to him with all the grace a prince could execute. "What brings you here? Is everything alright? "

"Yes everything is perfectly fine. No need to be concerned. There's just someone I want you to meet. "Hiashi told.

"We're in the middle of training, Hiashi. Young prince is unavailable.Come back when we're done. " The teacher spat earning him a glare.

"No it's fine. I'll take the five minute brake you offered. "Neji said. The training could wait. Hisashi came first. He was family.

The Hyuuga heir followed his uncle to his room. Hiashi entered while Neji stayed out. He might be a prince but he was raised better. He won't use his authority to march into people's life and step into their personal space.

"Please, my prince, come in. "Neji heard his uncle say from the other side of the door. Turning the door knob, he stepped in.

He greeted Mrs. Hiashi first. She nodded politely with a smile on her face. His eyes flew to his uncle next, who was looking down at the bundle of blankets in the crib, smiling. "Neji. Come here. "He said.

Neji marched up to his uncle who had yet to look up. His eyes followed his uncle's and finally landed on the bundle in the crib. There, something really small was resting, wrapped up securely in the blankets. Wait, is this even human? Neji thought. No human could be this red.

"Neji. This is your cousin, Hinata. "Neji was brought out of daze by his uncle's voice. He quickly fixed his eyes on the small creature. Is it alive? He sighed with relief at realizing that she was indeed breathing. Her tiny hands were fisted loosely into small fists. She was so wrinkly and so red, it was kind of gross.

Why did his uncle want him to see her? He had seen babies before, sure not a newborn, but what was so special about her?

He looked around. His uncle had moved away from the crib and to his wife resting on the bed. He was talking to her in a hushed voice. Making sure no one was watching  him, he poked her cheek. The baby, named Hinata, a sunny place, whimpered. Neji panicked. "Shh. Hey, hey. Don't cry please. "Neji wispered. As if answering his requests, she quitened. Neji sighed and looked around once again. His uncle smiled once he looked at him. Good, he didn't see. He turned his attention back to his cousin. "Thank you. " He told her.

He stared at her some more. She was kind of cute if you looked closely. She had the cutest little nose. Neji slipped his finger in her hand.

And that's when the miracle happened.

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