Chapter 14: The Last Ride

Start from the beginning

"There's no backing out now, scaredy cat" I gripped the safety bar in front of me excitedly.

The cart jerked forward and began to slowly roll up the first hill. I couldn't stop the giddy smile from spreading across my face as we reached the top of the hill. The cart paused to create a dramatic effect. Several people behind us gasped as they looked down.

"Here it comes!" I squeaked happily, rushed.

"Aw man, you're definitely the first girl I've ever met who liked-" his sentence was cut off as we plummeted, nearly vertical, down the coaster tracks.

"Yeah!" I put my hands in the air and whooped as the cart whirled around on the tracks.

Sasuke's hands stayed glued to the safety bar through out the whole ride while I screamed my head off, having a hell of a good time. What a wimp. The triple loop approached and I almost laughed as I saw the expression on Sasuke's face. One of plain horror.

"It's okay, it's just going upside down a few times" I tried to comfort him.

He didn't reply but he didn't have time to anyways. My hair stuck out as we were spun around in a dizzying circle three times in a row. We zipped down another hill and finally came to a stop. I breathed out, getting rid of my giddiness and stepped out. The helper was a young boy, he offered me a hand.

"Thanks" I smiled and grabbed it, getting up and out.

The boy blushed and forgot about helping Sasuke out. He got out himself and put his arm around me possessively.

"Hey, hey, calm down" I giggled, "Jealous?...And scared?" I teased.

"Just keep walking" he grumbled, casting a mean glance backwards at the boy.

I looked back apologetically and was yanked away by Sasuke.

"What's next? The Gut Dropper?" I asked him, still filled with adrenaline.

"Your call" he sighed dejectedly and I pulled him towards the towering structure just a few rides away.

I led him from one ride to the next without pause. We skipped right past dinner. I made sure to avoid one ride. The one that I was scared out of my wits of. It loomed over all of the other rides and everytime I looked up at it, I shuddered.

"Well...that was the last one" Sasuke breathed out.

"'s uh...get something to eat! I'm starving!" I smiled widely, ushering him over to a food stall.

"Um...sure. What do you want?" he asked, pulling out his wallet while looking up at the menu posted aboce our heads.

"U-um...I'll have...some cotton candy, I'm a picky eater" I lied, I wasn't really hungry, I just wanted to keep him busy.

He eyed me curiously, "Okay then, two cotton candies, please" he held out the change to the cashier while someone else spun our cotton candy around paper cones.

Sasuke handed me the pink one while he took the blue one. I was so jealous, I loved blue!

He popped a bit into his mouth and sighed, "I almost forgot" he turned to face that terrifying ride, "That's the last ride, let's go" he grabbed my hand and started to pull.

I didn't budge, "D-do we really have to go on that?" I stammered, looking at it nervously.

Sasuke smirked, "Scared?" he cocked his eyebrow.

"N-no! I actually find it q-quite boring! T-that's why I don't want to go on it" I said defensively.

That was a lie and a half.

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