Chapter 25: True friends

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I call Nicole to come watch Abby. When she gets here she says, " What is going on?"

" Come outside and I will tell you."

" Ok." We walk outside.

I say, " My parents plane crashed and I need to go see if the bodies are theirs."

" Call someone else to call Abby because I'm coming with you."

" Ok." I call Lisa. She comes and watches Abby.

I drive to the building that the bodies are. I go in. The uncover two bodie. Nicole hugs me while I cry. I nod to let the person know that it is my parents. Nicole holds me as tight as she can. After a while we go back to my place.


I miss work the next day. Before Abby goes to school I tell her that I need to talk to her. She says, " What's up."

" I have some bad news. Mom and dad won't be coming home because their plain crashed."

" Are they ok?"

I start to cry. She understands what that means. She starts to cry also. I hug her and we just cry. After awhile she says, " I can't go to school today."

" I understand hunny."

She goes and lays in bed. Nicole walks in. I say, " Why are you not on your way to school?"

" Because I'm not going. You need me more then school does." I nod and start crying again. She comes and hugs me. I cry on her shoulder. She lets me cry for awhile. She then walks me to the couch and starts a movie. We watch it. I then go and check on Abby. She is holding a pillow. She is sleeping but J can see that she cryed a lot before going to sleep.

I have to stay strong for her no matter how hard it is.

I walk back to Nicole and ask her to watch Abby. She nods. I drive to my parents lawyer's office. He lets me into his office. I say, " My parents have died and I was wondering what their will sats about Abby."

" Since they died I need to do a reading of the will. I will need your aunt, Abby, and a person named Nicole here with you."

" Why does Nicole have to be here?"

" You will know when I read the will. Call them and get them here."

I call my aunt that I have already told about my parents and tell her that I need her at the lawyer's office. I then call Nicole and tell her to bring Abby.

Ten minutes later they are all here. The lawyer gets the will out. He says, " First we will start with the sister. They left you 10,000 for your business and their house. Next the left Amber all of the houses they are renting out, the bar and grill, you have custody of Abby, they left you 10,000 to raise Abby, and they left you 30,000 for personal use. Abby they left you 10,000 for collage. If you do not go to collage then that money will go to your kids when they turn 18. They also left you 30,000 for when you turn 18. Nicole they left you 10,000 for personal use and 10,000 for collage. If you don't go to collage then the money will go to Amber."

" Wow they left me money?"

" Yes and that was recently written into the will."

He hands my aunt, Nicole, and myself checks. We all shake his hand and then leave.


When I go back to the house I put a movie on for Nicole, Abby, and I to watch. Nicole texts someone. At this point I don't even care who she just texted.

About fifteenth minutes later James, Ryan, Jamie, and Lisa are walking in. I say, " What are you guys doing here?"

" We heared about your parents and about you going to the lawyer. We are here to see if there is anything that we can help you with." James explains.

" Well thank you guys but right now I'm just trying to get our minds off of it, at least for a little bit."

They nod. Lisa says, " Well when the time comes I will help with the funeral."

Everyone says they will help also.

I nod and Abby starts crying. She says, " I can't believe that they are really gone. The thing that sucks is the died one year after my brother did. We might not have always gotten along but I still miss him."

She starts crying more. Nicole hugs her. I feel like crying also but that won't help Abby feel any better. My friends try to comfort her. They know how hard this is on me also so they understand that I can't comfort her right now.

Ugh I feel like drinking. I know Nicole will be here all day and night to help me with Abby. I found out that her dad is letting her skip school as long as she needs to. He doesn't know about us dating but he knows how close she was my family. He is even letting her stay over here for now because of Abby.

I ask Lisa to go get me some alchole. She does as I ask. I don't know how long my friends will be here but it helps that they are here. I have the best friends a girl could ask for.

Soon Lisa is coming back with rum and stuff to make a mud slide. She makes me a mud slide and I drink it. I ask for another one and a shot of rum.

Jamie goes and makes me the drinks this time. I say thank you. I drink the shot and the mud slide. Before I ask for another one of the two.

James goes and makes me one this time. I tell him thank you also. I drink the mud slide and then the shot.

When I ask for another one of the two Ryan goes and makes it. Ryan mud slide is the strongest yet. My friends have been watering down my mud slide I think. I give him a look as to say thank you. He nods. I drink them.

I am really drunk at this point. When I ask for another my friends tell me no. When I get mad Nicole says, " Baby girl you have had enough. You are drunk."

Abby nods. I stop being mad because of Nicole and Abby. Drinking has taken some of the pain away. I put on another movie.


It is time for me to start planning the funeral. I call my friends and ask them to come and help.

When they get here I give each one a job. Lisa is in charge of seeing what funeral home close to the grave is free for the time and date that I want.

Jamie is in charge of calling the graveyard to get the people to dig the grave.

James and Ryan will be ushers for the guest when the get to the funeral home.

Nicole is in charge of calling preachers and see which one will so the service.

I am in charge of writing the death announcement for the local news paper, their facebook page, and the funeral home service. The facebook and newspaper will say the same thing.

I am also in charge of arranging for a flower shop that people can order flowers from. I can't do my parts until Lisa does her job. Only Jamie can do her job until Lisa does hers.

Lisa and Jamie make phone calls. Once Lisa is done everyone else does their job. We have sent Abby out to swim while we were doing this. I didn'twwant her around this.

Jamie and Lisa go out to check on her.

The bad girl next door (lesbian) (teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now