Chapter 24: Party time and then bam

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We are all getting ready to leave. James is at the pool hall making sure that everything will be going smooth once we leave.

Nicole walks up to me and wraps her arms around me. She says, " So back to normal life where we have to go back to dating in secrete. This has been the best vacation ever. I wish we could live in open from now on. I know we can't though."

" Baby girl it will come soon enough that we won't have to live in secrete. Depending on how the pool hall does I might be able to stop my job."

" Well you could do that now. You have enough money."

" I do but I don't have something of my own. Teaching is my own thing. It is my own way of making money."

" Yeah I understand." We kiss before going down stairs. My parents walk up to me. My dad says, " So one of our renters here is having problem with their house. We need to go check on it. We will be flying home tomorrow. You guys are still set to take the jet. We will be taking a public flight."

" Are you sure you don't want the jet to come back and get you? Especially because of what tomorrow is?"

" It is better for us to be around people" my mom says.

I nod because I understand.


My dad has called us a limo because he will be using the suv that he rented for the trip. My parents give us a hug and tell us that they love us. They also tell us to be safe. They tell Abby to behave and listen to me. She says that she will. They leave.

The limo pulls up and I yell for everyone to come on. James has already gotten back. Everyone goes out to the limo. The driver put the bags in the trunk. He drives us to the airport.

I keep everyone together with our bags. We go through security and head to our jet. We load. They let us know that it will be five minutes until the wheels are up. We have to wait a little because we don't have our own runway. The jet has to sit here though because they don't want us around anyone else for some reason.

Soon we are up. The flight attendant puts a movie in. We have to keep our seat belts on though because there is bad weather. Looking out the window it is pitch black. I'm hoping that this pilot knows what he is doing.

The pilot says, " There is going to be some turbulence. We are trying to go around the weather so we are adding thirty minutes onto the flight."

As soon as he says that the plane jumps up and down. It goes down and then up. Soon we are out of the turbulence. I can tell that Abby is scared. I wrap my arm around her.

I say, " Everything is going to be ok." She looks up at me and smiles.


It is the next day and I am back in my classroom. I say, " So as you guys know we won before the break. The principle is letting us have a pizza party and ice cream party."

They cheer. I keep talking, " So today you guys will be coming back to the class for the pizza party and ice cream party. Now lets watch a movie."

I put a science movie on about dinosaurs and everyone cheers again.


All of the students come back. The principle has gotten nine boxs of pizza. Three boxs are just cheese, another three boxs is meat lovers, the last three are supreme. Everyone gets two pieces to start with. Nicole and I both get meat lovers. We are so ment to be. I love her so much.

After everyone eats a few students get another piece. There are two kids that I know don't like supreme get supreme. These two are a part of the group that I was worried didn't have enough food at home.

After the people who got a third piece is done I get the ice cream out. Everyone gets to chose rather they want chocolate ir vanilla in little cups.

Nicole gets vanilla and so do I. I don't ear anything but vanilla. I have never truly watched what kind of ice cream she eats but it might always be the same as me.

We are so ment to be together.


When I get home Abby says that she wants to eat. I make her a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich. We sit down to watch tv. My little brother crosses my mind. I miss him so much. He was a handful but very loving.

Abby and him never got along but that is only because there was only two years between them.

I hear a knock on my door. I go and open it. Two police officers are standing there. I say, " May I help you?"

" Yes ma'am. We are sorry to tell you but the plane that your parents were in crashed. There are bodies and we need you to come in and tell us if it id your parents or not."

I start crying and start falling. The girl cop catches me.

The bad girl next door (lesbian) (teacherxstudent)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat