[05] miracle

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[05] miracle




Daisy read the blue sign that they just passed,

Welcome to
The Garden State

She then looked over at Steve, admiring him for a minute.

He was focused on the road, his eyebrows furrowed at the slightest. He looked so cute to her, and he made her smile.

She looked down at his hand, Aw, it looks lonely.
So, she grabbed it, slipping her hand into his--they fit perfectly.

He felt the flutters in his stomach once he felt a hand slip into his. He quickly looked over to Daisy with this adoring look in his eyes. Daisy's cheeks heated up, but her smile only grew.

"Keep your eyes on the road, loverboy," Natasha told him from the back. Steve stared at Daisy for another second before he immediately turned his head back over to the road. Daisy yawned, a wide smile turning into a smaller one. She closed her eyes as she rested her head against the door.

Another set of minutes passed, and Steve kept sneaking glances at her. Just the thought of her made his heart flutter.

Natasha brought her legs up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them so they would stay in place, "Where did Captain America learn how to steal a car?" she quietly asked from the backseat, making sure not to wake up a now-sleeping Daisy.

"Nazi Germany," Steve answered, glancing at her in the rearview mirror. His left hand was placed at the top of the steering wheel, his right arm on the arm rest where his hand connected with Daisy's.

Natasha nodded, her eyes not leaving the green scenery outside her window, "Mm."

"And we're borrowing. Put your feet back down." Steve told her. Natasha smirked, slowly taking her feet down from the seat.

They sat in silence for a couple of minutes, "... You really love her, huh?" Natasha broke out a smile.

Steve's stomach fluttered as he looked over at Daisy, his eyes twinkling with the love that he has for her.

Of course he loved her, she was the best thing that had ever happened to him, and he still couldn't believe that they'd ended up being together. It was just a miracle to him.

"She's all I've ever really wanted."

Steve pulls up to an abandoned military base where the signal led them to. He turned off the engine with his left hand. He brought his and Daisy's connected hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on hers as Natasha got out the back.

Daisy awoke with the smile back on her lips, "We're here?"

Steve nodded in response, his eyes never leaving hers, as also the small smile on his face.

She lifted her head from the window, as she leaned over their hands. Her face stopped right before Steve's, and they had a mini staring contest. Steve finally blinked, and Daisy set a kiss on his lips in victory. They each smiled, their eyes closing as they felt the familiar fireworks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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