52. A Christmas Like No Other

Start from the beginning

"To my little girl, Merry Christmas! Love from Mike xx" I read out loud

I frown a little and unwrap the package. Inside is a book, not an actual book, a scrapbook. I swallow hard and read the cover.

'Memories of Noelani Bungay so far...'

I open the first page and it's a photo of me as a baby. I smile slightly as the next photo is me as a new born baby but I have my mum, dad and Jessica holding me. I read the little caption made.

'The day our angel was born, 14th January 2000.'

I giggle slightly and turn the page. It's me at one years old. Me and Jessica hugging and me frowning my baby frown at my dad who was bopping my nose. I giggle at the photo and the next one is my mum sticking her tongue out at me and me laughing. My smile grows a little as tears fill my eyes. I flick through, looking at me getting older. Then six years old hits and it's my birthday... Also known as the day my family left me. This was the last photo we ever had together. Tears roll down my cheeks and I bite my bottom lip. I read the caption.

'The day four became one.'

I turn the page and it's my first time coming into the care home. I giggle slightly as my face looks scared as I was stood in front of loads of kids I had no clue about. The photo next to it is me and Mike.

'The day one became part of a partnership.'

I choke up with tears.

"Bloody hell Mike..." I say silently.

I look through at me getting older from then on, me with the other kids, group photo's and photo's of me and Mike. Photo's that captured me smiling. But on in particular really gets to me.

'The day you found your passion.'

It's a photo of me playing the piano and singing. One next to it is me and a guitar. I smile slightly and turn over to me still getting older and silly photo's. I reach the last few pages. There is a polaroid of me and Connor. I smile as it's our first photo taken together.

'The first time you have ever fallen in love.'

I smile to myself as tears leave my eyes. I look at the picture next to it and it's me and Connor kissing and one of me and Connor hugging. I turn over and it's me, Tyler and Troye. I giggle as the photo's are silly but there is one really nice one of the three of us.

'The day you made your first best friends.'

I giggle and turn over. It's me and the three boys this time.

'The day you became part of your own family.'

I cry stupidly and I turn over and it's more of me and the boys and the other's. There is one final picture in the book. A few pages left behind with captions. But the last picture. It's me and Mike hugging.

'The day the partnership went back to a one person.'

Our last photo together. I feel my heart sting and I look at the other pages.

'First kiss under a mistletoe', 'Graduation', 'Getting your acceptance letter for college'.

They are all waiting to be filled. I close the book and wipe my eyes, putting it to one side. I take a deep breath and take the next present. It's also from Mike. I open it and it's a box full of video tapes. I read the note on top.

'Watch these when you feel alone. Hopefully they will make you smile. We all love you Noelani! xx'

I put the lid back on and move it to one side until a little later. I take the final present. This last one is from Mike too. I open it and inside are things I thought I would never see again. I sit up more and pull out my mum and dad's wedding rings. I read the note attached.

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