"Sorry, she's sort of out of it." Beca stuttered when they got out of the room. "It's okay, but I actually wanted to talk about you." She looked at the tall male doctor with a look of extreme confusion. "But I'm not sick." "You've been around her all day, and that itself is a high enough risk for getting sick. If you had a 103 fever, it could severely effect your baby." Beca sighed, not even wanting to think about hurting her son. "What do I need to do?" "Stay away from her room for now. We'll keep you updated, but it's best if you stay in the waiting room." She agreed, said one quick 'i love you' to Chloe, and sat in an uncomfortable waiting room chair.

After what seemed like 2 hours, but was actually 25 minutes, she decided to call Aubrey to come wait with her. Upon telling her the news about Chloe, she sounded worried and said she'd be there in lighting speed. "Updates?" She said walking up Beca, carrying two coffees. "No, and I don't drink coffee." Aubrey sat down, handed her the coffee and winked, "It's decaf. You're gonna need it." Beca thanked her, taking a sip of the drink she hasn't had in months. "So she just woke up sick?" Aubrey asked, already half way done with her drink. Beca shrugged, "she went to bed fine, but woke up sicker than a dog." The blonde smiled, "Did she try saying she wasn't sick and perfectly healthy." The brunette smiled back, "Yeah, then I shoved a pancake in her face." Both girls laughed, making sure they weren't loud because it was a hospital. As much as she didn't get a long with Aubrey in college, she was pretty happy she was here.


Chloe didn't really understand what was happening. She knew that she had a very high fever and a sore throat, but she didn't know why her girlfriend wasn't able to stay with her. Beca was usually the one by her side 24/7. Even two years ago when she was in a car wreck, all she did was break her wrist and got a concussion, but she was there the whole time.

"Where's Beca?" She said dryly towards a nurse checking her temperature. "Your girlfriend? She's in the waiting room." She smiled knowing Beca was still here, but still wanted her by her side. "Hun, your temp only went down to 102.2. Is it okay if we put you in an ice bath?" The nurse had a strong southern accent, which made it hard for the sick woman to focus. "Uh, yeah, sure." Getting out of bed, she felt herself shiver, despite being able to feel her burning skin. If it was just Beca here, she would have stripped naked because of how hot she felt, but because there was a nurse, she decided to stay clothed for now.

Luckily, a tub had been moved to her room while she was sleeping, so she didn't have to walk her weak self far. She stripped to her underwear and bra and slowly got in the ice and water filled tub, feeling a few pieces of ice melt underneath her. "You'll stay in here for 10 minutes, and then I'll check your temp again. Okay, hun?" Chloe nodded her head, hoping one of these baths will be enough.


Two hours. That's how long Beca and Aubrey had been waiting for. Aubrey was the smart one and brought a book, while Beca walked around for a little bit, then decided to sit. She was twirling her thumb around the little bit of belly button that was sticking out when Aubrey said "Are you sure you're not expecting twins?" Beca laughed, knowing that because of her petite frame, she looked slightly more than 6 months pregnant. "I'm pretty sure, Bree. You would be the first to know." She deadpanned. Before Aubrey could return back to her book, a nurse came out and called for their attention.

"We would like to keep her over night because she is not fully healthy, but she is healthy enough for you to see her." Beca smiled seeing her girlfriend, still in a hospital gown and an IV in her hand to keep her hydrated. She rushed to her side, kissing her forehead, which was still pretty warm. "Hey red." Aubrey said from behind them. Chloe's eyes lit up, seeing her best friend. "Aubrey came?" Beca shrugged, "I needed someone to keep me company." The blonde nudged her, both happy that she is finally getting better.


"Take me to church, I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies. I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen you knife. Offer me that deathless death. Good God, let me give you my life." Beca tapped her thumbs on the steering wheel to the beat, singing along and not missing a word. "You are freaking obsessed with that song." Chloe joked, smiling at her dorky girlfriend. "I'm just happy that you're out of that place. The waiting room chairs sucked." She made an ugly face, reminiscing about those uncomfortable grey chairs. "The hospital bed wasn't the best either." "I know, I slept in it with you." Beca smirked, which made Chloe blush. 'Take Me To Church' had played for the fifth time, but no one cared because Chloe was finally healthy and going home to sleep in her own bed and have Beca make burnt food.


I intended to have this done like Tuesday as a football chapter, but then i got sick (not like chloe sick) and decided to write this.
I hope you like this!! Thanks for reading!!

PS i have to idea why Take Me To Church was added in it. I just like that song and added it.

All I Need Is YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora