You Need Someone

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Its been about 3 weeks since Beca left the house. She still regularly talks to Jesse, but no plans of moving back in were being made. Currently, the girls were having an old fashioned sleep over with the former Bellas.

"So, Bumper and I were thinking the wedding should be at a church, boring, or the lake, fun." Fat Amy said to all the girls. "Amy, you're wedding is 3 months and you don't know where its at?" Chloe asked with concern, as she was a bridesmaid, along with Beca and Aubrey. "Hey, at least we know where the after party's going to be." Chloe face palmed while the Amy and Stacey bonded over the music and dances. Emily, who was the youngest of all, asked Beca, "So have you finished the set?" Honestly, she forgot. Between Jesse, Residual, and a flu she suddenly got, she hasn't worked much on it. "Y'know, if you come to the studio tomorrow evening we can work one out. I completely forgot." Emily's face went to defeat, but agreed to tomorrow's plans. The sleep over wasnt much more than singing a few songs and watching a movie before everyone passed out.


It was about 4 a.m. All the girls were asleep except Beca. She laid on the couch feeling sick to her stomach for a better part of 30 minutes before finally making her way to the bathroom, throwing up everything in her. This was the fourth night in a row, and she was hoping it would quit sooner than later. Chloe woke up soon after to the sound of Beca. Naturally, she went to the bathroom and held back her roommate's hair. After a few more minutes of what seemed like torture, Beca sat on the floor, wiping her mouth, while Chloe got her toothbrush ready. "You didnt have to wake up." Beca said as she stood up and took the toothbrush. "Ive done it for 3 days, whats one more." Chloe replied. Beca tried not to make too much noise, but Chloe was a light sleeper and knew when something was wrong. "Hey Bec, that last night with Jesse, you did use protection, right?" Beca partially laughed while spitting out the toothpaste. "Of course we did, and i-" she stopped in her tracks, realizing something was wrong. She ran out of the bathroom to the kitchen, tripping over Lily on the way. She looked at the calendar, murmuring "shit" barely loud enough for herself to hear, let alone Chloe, who was following close behind. "What, Beca, what?" Chloe said, trying to keep her voice down, not waking the other.

Beca counted over the weeks over and over again, making sure she didnt miss anything, which she did: a period. "I, uh, missed a period." Beca whispered, trying to hide the fact that shes freaking out. Chloe, also internally freaking out, said "Bec, you need to go get a test to make sure." Beca sighed and said "Yeah i know. I will when the sun comes up." The 2 girls stood in silence, not knowing what to do now that they were wide awake because of there recent discovery. "I'll just get it for you, Bec. You need to know." Chloe said. Beca started to smile, knowing her best friend is willing to go to the drug store at 5am to get a pregnancy test thats not hers. "Thanks Chlo."


It took an hour and a half for Chloe to get 3 tests, but none of them were taken until all the girls left. Emily said she'd be at Residual at 12, which was a good 3 hours away. Enough time for Beca to take the tests become emotional, positive or negative. After closing the door on all the girls, Beca raced to the bathroom, with Chloe trying to be patient outside the door. After a little bit, Beca allowed Chloe in the room to wait with her. During the wait, Chloe asked "So what happens if they're positive?" She was leaning against the wall, staring down at the brunette, who was sitting on the closed toilet seat with her head in her hands. "No clue. I mean yeah, i want kids. But not now, y'know?" Chloe nodded in agreement. "What about Jesse? Will you move back in with him?" Beca was about to answer when the timer went off. "Ready?"

All three were positive. Not even one showed signs of fading to negative. Although both girls were in shock, Beca stood in place and only moved when Chloe pulled her in a hug. Chloe knew Beca was scared shitless. She could barely take care of herself, let alone a tiny human being. Chloe, who was clearly taller, kissed the top of Beca's head and whispered "It'll be okay. We'll figure it out." Beca stepped away saying "But its my problem Chloe. Thanks though." She was doing it again. Whenever Beca had a problem, or got too close to people,she pushed them away. When she first met Jesse, she really liked him but pushed him away for multiple months. Beca was about to push Chloe away this time, but she wasn't going to accept it. "You can't do this by yourself. You might want to, but you can't . This isn't something you can just push people away over." Chloe said, obviously a little annoyed. No matter how much she loved Beca, she hated how she distanced herself.

"What makes you think i can't?" She crossed her arms, looking up at her best friend. "You need someone. As much as you think you're the most independent person in the world, you're not. Like Jesse, you don't even like him but you still keep him hanging on a thread because you need him." The words hurt Beca, but she knew Chloe was right. If Jesse wasn't there, Chloe was, and vice versa. "Shit, I can't believe how right you are." Beca said, sitting on the closed toilet seat as Chloe smiled a little, knowing she's right. "Bec, im still here for you. Even if some miracle happens and you dont need someone, ill still be here." Chloe said as Beca looked up at her again, this time with slightly teary eyes. "I know, Chloe. Im just scared, y'know? I have no clue how to take care of a kid. Im just a kid myself." Beca wiped a single tear running down her face as Chloe squatted in front of her and said "Bec you're going to be a great mom. Not only will this baby have you, but me and Jesse." Beca's eyes widened and mentally slapped herself, somehow forgetting that Jesse helped make the human growing in her. Chloe noticed her facial expression and said "Beca, you need to talk to Jesse now. Do you need me to come with?" Beca noticed the emphasis on need and smiled a little, "No i think ill do it alone. Thank you, Chloe. Thank you so much." The two girls hugged before Beca went to change one guy's life forever.


Oooo plot twist. Comment what you think will happen!! Oh, and thank you muchly for 100+ reads. You guys are amazing! Stay tuned!

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