Up Too Late

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Chloe woke up to cabinet doors banging in the kitchen. She grabbed the closest thing to her, a light saber that Benji had gotten everyone for Christmas one year. She didnt turn it on, to make it more intimidating, if any, and made her way downstairs. She quickly turned on the light and raised her saber, only to find Beca, not an intuder, shuffling through cabinets. Chloe sighed a sign of relief and said "Dammit, Beca. Its 1 in the morning, what are you doing?" Beca laughed at the sight of her girlfriend wielding a lightsaber that was supposed to light up red. "Apparently defending myself from a plastic toy." Chloe threw the lightsaber on the couch saying "I thought you were a burglar!" She said defensively, then asked "What are you doing anyway?" Beca took a bag of chips from a cupboard, read it, then threw it back in disgust. "Im trying to find something to eat."

Beca, who was barely 9 weeks pregnant, started to have cravings about a week ago. Some things were gross, like ice cream and pickles, but other things were better like Taco Bell. Although it made Chloe cringe just watching her eat, she put up with it in case the small girl's feelings got hurt. Something she'll soon blame on hormones.

"I'll go to the store. What do you want?" Beca's eyes lit up at Chloe's words like she hadn't eaten in months. "Seriously?" "Yeah, just tell me." Still in pajamas, the red head grabbed a pair of shoes as Beca named off food. "Taco Bell, of course. Chex Mix, cheddar fries, ho-" Chloe interrupted her and said "Beca, it's 1am. Theres only 1 grocery store open and im still half asleep. Just choose a few things." Chloe rubbed her eyes and Beca named off "Taco Bell and Chex mix." Chloe made a mental note, pecked her girlfriend on the lips, and laughed "Only been dating a week and already getting you food at the butt crack of dawn. Wow."


"That looks so disgusting." Chloe said in disgust as Beca ate Bold flavored Chex mix with pickle juice. She got everything Beca said, even things she didnt, like pickles and Rocky Road ice cream. After she laughed at her reaction, Beca said "I still can't believe you did this. Thanks again, babe." Chloe melted on the inside, loving it when she said babe. "Anytime. But please, dont make it a daily thing." Chloe pleaded, making them laugh again. They had been up for a few hours, munching on all the food and making fun of info-mercials. Even though both of them had to go to work in the morning, they called it an 'early start'. Eventually they started to talk about the baby, something they haven't really done this early in her pregnancy. "Boy or girl?" Chloe asked, shoving a pickle in her mouth. Beca thought for a little bit and said "I dont care as long as it's healthy. But absolutely no tu-tus." She was serious about the tu-tu. She didn't even like the idea of pink, but would have to get over it if she had a daughter. "What about names?" Chloe asked with anticipation. "No. I mean I've thought about them, but never 'fell in love' with one." Chloe sighed, but had an oh so obvious look like she wanted to share. Beca noticed and gestured for her to speak. "They're kind of common but i like James and Grace. They just speak to me." Both girls laughed and Beca took them into consideration. After they talked more about babies, they both slept until their alarms went off.


Beca was back at work that morning, dozing in and out of sleep, as today was an extremely slow day. She tried working on another set list for the Bellas, but didnt get that far when Jesse walked in the doors. The 2 had been on friendly terms lately. Occasionally talking and even visiting each other at the studios, giving each other tips. Although they did date for 6 years, they try not to let that get in the way of their budding friendship.

"Hey Becs, whatcha working on?" The tall brunette said while handing her an apple juice. "Bella set list." She said with sleep in her voice. Jesse took note and joked "Damn, you and Chloe stay up too late last night?" Jesse knew about Beca and Chloe. He was actually the first to know, in case he disagreed with their relationship while raising the baby. Of course he didnt disagree, and was actually happy for the both of them, knowing it would happen sooner or later. "Ha ha. No, i got hungry so we stayed up until 3 am eating Taco Bell." Jesse laughed realizing it was cravings, but knowing full well that she would eat Taco Bell at 3 in the morning even if she wasn't pregnant. "Speaking of the baby, how is he?" Jesse touched Beca's barely visible bump that she didn't even consider a baby bump, just all the food she's ate lately. Beca, who was not use to touching, jumped a little and said, "He or she is fine. We only talk about this every other day." She took a drink of her apple juice while Jesse laughed again and said "I just want to make sure it's fine." Beca nodded her head and he continued, "I hate saying 'it', when do we find out the gender?" Beca, who was roaming the room searching for sheet music she misplaced earlier, shrugged her shoulders and said "Like 2 or 3 months."

Jesse noticed the shrug and the care-free attitude she had. It's the same attitude she's had for the past few weeks toward the baby. Whenever he tried talking about it, she either talked for a few minutes or shot it down. Jesse was excited for the baby, and frankly was tired of her attitude. "Bec if you have something to say, say it." Jesse demanded. She furrowed her eyebrows and said "What the hell are you talking about?" She sat in her chair in front of the mix board as he stood up. "I've noticed you've been a little checked out lately. I don't know if you're perfect little girlfriend has, but i have." This pissed Beca off slightly. "You can say whatever you want about me, but do not bring Chloe into this." She emphasized 'do not', making sure he got the hint that it's about them two. He continued, "Whatever, but whenever we talk about the baby you blow it off like it's no big deal. It's a human growing inside of you, not something you ignore." This got Beca real mad, real quick. She could handle Jesse's jabs at her and his senseless rants, but she couldn't handle him talking like this. "Do you seriously think i don't care? Jesse, I try talking but I'm scared shitless. Im sorry if i dont talk about it 24/7 and focus my whole life around it." She tried calming herself down, they both tried honestly. But Jesse thought he was on a roll and said "It's only our baby, Beca. I would be happy to carry him or her for 9 months but i can't. So while you are, please try a little harder." After letting out those words, he left, followed by Beca throwing the half full, plastic apple juice bottle at the now closed door. She was pissed at Jesse, but kind of pissed at herself, letting his words sink in that he's probably had on his chest for a month. She was scared so much, but she had people to support her. She put her head on her arms that were now resting on the mix board, hoping she could come up with something to show Jesse that she actually cared.


Note: im going to speed it up within the next few chapters so it doesnt get too boring.

So i intended this chapter to be cute, y'know with Chloe getting her food and all, but then it ended in that fight, so the best of both worlds?
Anyway, thanks for reading and comment what you think!

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