Weddings and Jaeger Bombs

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"I'm not going to the fucking reception, Chloe." Beca, who was now almost 5 months pregnant, said while storming into the house. Both the girls had just gotten back from Amy and Bumper's rehearsal wedding. "We have to Beca. We're the bridesmaids." Chloe tried to reason. In the back of her mind she thought she might win the fight tonight, but knew that it was just hormones and she would wake up tomorrow, ready to go to the reception, even if it meant Chloe sleeping on the couch. "I'll make an appearance, but I'm not staying. My excuse to leave is I'm pregnant, whats yours?" Beca said, crossing her arms over her growing belly. The wedding was tomorrow, and she hadn't said anything about the reception for months. They've known for a year for pete's sake. "I'm not thinking of an excuse because im staying." The red head replied, royally pissing off Beca.

Over the past few months Chloe knew how to handle Beca's hormones, but it was times like these when she wasn't going to lie just to make her happy. "Excuse me?" The brunette questioned. "They're two of our best friends, Beca. I wouldn't want them to skip my wedding reception, so why should I skip their's?" Chloe stared hard at her, hoping she would get the point. When it basically became a staring contest, she continued, "Why would you want to skip anyway? It's going to be fun." Beca gulped, not really thinking of why she didn't want to go. "I just dont want to go, I-" Beca cut her words short when she felt something in her stomach. She didn't think it was hunger or gas, but the baby kicking for the first time. When she fell silent and held her belly, Chloe didnt know what was happening and momentarily panicked. "Beca, what's wrong?" "Nothing, come and feel this." Beca motioned for her to come by her side. When she did, the shorter girl took her hand and placed it on her belly. It was pretty faint but she could still feel the small kicks. "Oh my god, that's amazing!" Chloe squealed. They stayed like that for a few more seconds until it stopped. Since Beca seemed more calmed down and a little happy, Chloe took the opportunity to ask "Are you going to the reception now?"


Since Beca was the Maid of Honor, she was supposed to keep everything in line and running smoothly. Although she was honored to have the position, she let Aubrey handle all the responsibilities, who was weirdly happy to have them. She walked down the isle with Bumper's brother Harvey, who was exactly like the groom, so she naturally didn't talk to him. Jesse and Aubrey were paired up, as was Chloe and Benji. The ceremony was beautiful, and the vows obviously filled with laughter. And despite not wanting to admit it, Beca thought the reception was the best part.

"Chloe said you didn't want to come." Jesse yelled over the blaring music. Beca was sitting at a table by herself, waiting for her girlfriend to bring a non alcoholic drink. "I changed my mind." She yelled back before continuing, "Don't you look good all dressed up." He was wearing the common black and white tux with a silver vest to go with the silver and purple theme. He sat down in the chair next to her, complimenting her back. "So how's tiny Swanson?" he said trying to restrain himself from touching her belly. "Good, starting kicking last night." Even in the dark-ish setting, Beca saw his eyes light up as he rushed to feel her stomach. "Not right now, goofball. But I promise to sweep you off the dance floor when it happens again." He sighed and stood up from where he was sitting on his knees. After a few more minutes of talking, he made his way to talk to A group of guys, and Chloe eventually came with drinks. "Am i going to be the designated driver tonight?" Beca joked as the red head smiled and took a drink of her Manhattan. Then the song All of Me by John Legend came on, and she was begging Beca to dance, even giving her the puppy eyes. She eventually gave in and went to the dance floor, even spotting Jesse and Aubrey dancing together. "For being a stickler for rules doesn't seem like she's following her #1." Even though it wasn't a 'sexual relation', they had never seen Aubrey get close to a Treble, let alone dance with one. By the end of the night, the rule could be broken as they had already seen her throw back a few shots and Jesse put away the whiskey. "I'm glad you decided to stay, Becs. I dont think you'll regret it." Chloe said, giving off a devilishly good smile. "Yeah, well i like watching my girl embarrass herself while being drunk." Chloe slapped her arm as the music changed to a pretty familiar song, Girls by Beyoncé. "I swear if you dont stay on this dance floor you will regret it when im sober." Although she wasn't much for dancing, she stayed on the dance floor until her feet ached and her other half couldn't stand on her own.


"Jesus Christ, Beca. Shut the blinds, my eyes feel like they're burning." "They are shut, and the light is off." Chloe had a major hangover, just like the rest of their friends. Although there were free shuttle rides from the party to people's homes, people like Jesse, Aubrey, and even the new Mr. and Mrs. Allen got a ride from Beca at 2 in the morning. After cutting the cake and slamming it into each other's faces, Bumper and Amy basically forced every one that could drink to do a shot, which turned into multiple shots pretty fast. Majority of the said people were already tipsy from whiskey or bourbon, but the Jaeger bombs set them over the edge. "Damn. How drunk did i get?" Beca thought back to the root beer flavored drinks she was devouring last night and said "On a scale of 1 to 10, how queasy is root beer making you feel right now?" Just the name of the drink made Chloe rush to the bathroom and vomit up everything she had last night. Deciding it was a solid 11, Beca still held back her hair, gave her a cool washcloth when she was done, and even got her toothbrush ready. "Please tell me i didn't do something stupid and embarrassing like grind on someone else." The brunette laughed and said "No, but you did fall on your face when Benji didn't want to hold you up anymore. I can show you the video later." Chloe slapped her head, which happened to be spot where she was bruising from the fall. The party hadn't been too embarrassing for most people. No one got into a fight or danced with someone they shouldn't, but a few people, a.k.a. Jesse and Aubrey, went home with each other. Overall, the reception was a blast, and Beca thanks Chloe for begging her to go, not because of all the memorable pictures and videos, but it was a great memory overall.


Im sorry i havent updated in over a week, i was on vacation. Dont worry, im back and ready to write again :)
I hope you like this chapter, its not the best wedding chapter, due to lack of actual wedding, but i think it works.
Thanks for reading!!

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