I Apologize

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Beca was seriously considering Chloe's offer of staying at her place. Not only was Chloe her best friend, but she would turn gay for her, something she was just admitting, but only to herself. She was close to saying hell with it and move in, but as she pulled in the driveway of the house her and Jesse shared, a car, Jesse's, was in the drive. He was home way earlier than usual. Beca entered the house asking with confusion, "Jess, babe, why are you home so early?". Jesse came from the kitchen saying "I apologize. I thought about what you've said, and I've been a giant ass. I came here to spend more time with my girl, not away from her." Beca smiled up at her boyfriend, who looked sincerely sorry. "Wow, you really know how to get some make-up sex." Jesse smiled and said "Yeah, but i also hate seeing you upset." Both of them smirked as Beca jumped into his arms and they made their way to the bedroom, Beca's way of accepting his apology.


Chloe was busy at Barden, working with the girls. She didn't get that call from Beca, probably meaning they had great make-up sex, and many more rounds after that. Emily, who was now a senior, noticed her coach's mood, which was mainly upset. "Hey Chlo, whats wrong? Anything you want to talk with me about?" Chloe looked at Emily, the legacy, the girl she been watching grow, not only in confidence with performing, but overall becoming a woman. "Uh, no. Just some personal stuff. Nothing to worry about." Chloe played it off pretty well, but Benji's girlfriend wasn't having it. "Is it Beca? I noticed we haven't gotten the set from her. We usually have it by now." Chloe looked into Em's dark brown eyes, smiled a little, and said "Thanks, but i have it under control. Now go find that magic doing dork." Legacy smiled wide and disappeared in no time, leaving Chloe wondering how she was going to get the set from Beca.


It was sometime around 10 a.m. Beca should have been to work 2 hours ago, but she didn't care. She was laying in bed and reached over to hug her boyfriend, but was met with just sheets. Jesse was already out of bed, completely recovered from their all nighter, and partially dressed. "Jesse, what are you doing up already?" Beca asked as the sunlight hit her eyes, giving her a headache, even when no alcohol was drank last night. "Its already 10, Bec. I was gonna pick up some breakfast before i head to work." Beca, who was partially sitting up, slammed back into bed saying "You cant even take a day off, especially after all of that. Its Saturday for pete's sake!" Jesse put on his belt and zipped up his fly. "Im behind on a track. I just need-" Beca interrupted him, throwing his shirt at him. "Im behind too but im still staying home." She thought for a minute and continued, "Actually, im going to Chloe's, and thats where ill be from a while."

She hurriedly put on some jean shorts and a tee before grabbing a bag and stuffing essentials into it. "From now on? Bec stop and lets talk a minute." Jesse said while trying to take the bag. Beca shoved him away saying "I dont want to talk. Im going to let you do your thing and come home to an empty house, like I have been for almost a month." This hit Jesse hard, having no clue that his partner felt this way. They've talked a million times about his job, but not once has it come up about an empty house. "How long will you be gone?" Jesse asked, with obvious hurt in his voice. Beca stopped packing and said "How ever long i want to." and left at that.


When the door bell rang, Chloe opened the door to a crying Beca. "I left. We're on a break, obviously. But I left." She help up a small duffle bag as Chloe let her in. As soon as the door shut, Chloe was hugging her friend, who was silently crying on her shoulder. It only took a few minutes for her to stop crying and completely deny everything, as she doesnt cry and still has a badass image. "What happened? You didnt call last night." Chloe said as she pulled out a tub of Rocky Road ice cream, Beca's favorite. Beca chuckled at the amount of concern Chloe had in her voice, and that she brought a whole tub of ice cream, "We had an amazing night. 8 times to be exact." Chloe scrunched up her nose at the thought, making Beca laugh, "Then he still chose work over me so I got mad and left." The two girls sat on the couch, shoveling ice cream into their mouths. They started to talk about a little bit if everything. Chloe's past girlfriends, Beca's last karaoke night. Then Chloe said, "8 times? Did he take a bunch of Viagra or-" Beca laughed at her confusion and said "No. I dont know, a little part of me thought that maybe he did change some, but i guess people really dont change." She shoveled the last of the ice cream in her mouth before throwing the empty tub and spoon on the table. "Not true, i went from being straight as can be to gay as fuck." Chloe's comment made both of them laugh before she continued, "But people do change. It may take some time, but they do." Knowing those words would encourage her to talk to Jesse, Chloe still said them, as much as it pained her. "Thanks Chlo. Your amazing."

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