Chapter 18

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There's been a tension between Jack and me, sexual tension. The both of us played some little games with each other. Not even on purpose, it just happened at some point and now it happens on a daily basis. We didn't talk about any feelings though.

I stood sidestage for Of Mice & Men. With Jack. Yes, I chose the second option; being close to him.

I was headbanging and I felt him staring at me, grinning. I looked up to him. "Yeah?".

"Oh it's nothing", he said and looked to the stage and I started to enjoy the music again when I felt his gaze on me again. "Stop that", I said. He gave his best to look surprised.

"What?", he asked, but he had to laugh.

"You know what, stop staring at me". I couldn't stop myself from a smile.

"But it's amusing", he said and that's when I hit him playfully. "I hate you".

"You don't", he said, stepping closer to me, looking me in the eyes and the corner of his lips curved up to a little smirk. My heart started to pound like crazy but well, two can play this game.

"Oh really? What makes you think that?". I looked up to him with an raised eyebrow while playing with the hem of his shirt. I saw him swallow. I'm so gonna win this. He looked down at me, back up and his eyes stopped at my lips. "Well..".

All I want to do right now is to grab his neck and get his lips to mine but I can't do that. Sadly.

Our faces got closer and I didn't even notice myself leaning in. His hands landed on my hips.
Be strong Liz, you can resist.

No you can't.

Our lips were about to touch but our head popped up as people started to shout "Kiss, kiss, kiss". Jack and I looked over to to stage and crowd.

People were looking at us and Alan played some erotic classiker on his guitar.

I felt beyond uncomfortable with all the attention on us and started to feel very anxious.

I brought my face back to Jack's, our lips almost touching, and whispered "Nope, I hate you". I gave Alan the finger and went back to the bus.

Liz - 1| Jack - 0

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