Chapter 8

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Back at the party I was looking for someone from All Time Low and soon I found Jack. I went over to him. I tapped him on his shoulder and he turned around to me.

"LIZZY", he practially screamed happily and I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

"JACKY", I mimicked him.

"I missed you", he said with a pout on his face. "Let's dace". He took my hand and moved my arms.

"You know I hate to dance Jack", I told him serious.

"C'mon only this time", he looked at me with puppy eyes and I gave in. His brown eyes were so beautiful and his puppy eyes were killing me.

Jack was dancing around like a little monkey and I chuckled. He's cute when he's dancing and jumping around like he does on stage.

I tried my best to dance but I couldn't really bring myself to it. I felt really uncomfortable.

Jack seemed to notice because he took my hands into his and made me dance a bit.

"Don't be shy, you look good", he said and I felt heat rising to my cheeks. Was I really blushing? No way.

The song was over and 'Save Your Heart' by Mayday Parade started playing. I loved this song.

I looked around and saw everyone getting closer to each other.

I laughed as I saw Austin and Alan dancing close together.

I turner back to Jack and he came closer to me. He put his hands on my waist and I kind of tensed up but tried to stay calm.

I put my hands around his neck and we started to move along the music, even though we can't really dance.

"You look beautiful tonight", Jack said and brushed my fringe out of my face. Oh god why did i blush? I've never blushed before when Jack said something like that to me. Good thing it's dark out here.

"Don't look bad yourself", i said with a smirk but laughed right after.

"Hey liz? Can you promise me something?, he asked and I raised my brow at him. "Depens", I said.

"Just promise me, no matter what happens, we will stay friends", he said, looking me directly in the eyes.

I looked at him confused but nodded because I wasn't sure what he means with that. Why should happen that we won't stay friends? Drunk Jack can be confusing but so can be sober Jack sometimes.

The song ended and I pulled my hands back from his neck. He kept his hands on my waist though.

"I'm going back to the bed, I'm tired ", I told him. He gave me a long kiss on my nose on let go of me. I laughed and quickly turned around, going to the bus. My heart was pounding.

I went into the still empty bus and got changed quickly before I lied down in the bunk over Jack's.
My heart was still racing.

What did just happen? I've never felt this way around Jack or did I and never gave it attention?

Stupid teenage hormones.

Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends (Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now