Chapter 7

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I left Pierce The Veil's bus after about 2 hours. It was nice to see them again.

I walked around again, looking for a familiar face.

After like 10 minutes I heard Jack's laugh so I looked around to find him standing with Austin Carlile at the Of Mice & Men bus. I walked up to them.

"Hey", I smiled shyly at them.

"Austin do you remember Liz? Rian's sister", Jack said to Austin and his face lit up.

"Wow Liz, hey you changed since the last time I saw you", he said, smiling.

"You're not the first person who told me that today", I chuckled.

"We have to catch up sometime, maybe at the party tonight?", Austin asked. "Sure", I told him.

"Great! Okay I gotta go, see you later", he waved goodbye to Jack and me and left. Jack turned to me.

"Where have you been the whole time?", he asked me curious.

"Pierce The Veil bus", I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Right, I need to see them again too", he said and nodded to himself.

"Anyways, let's go we have to meet a lot of other people", Jack put his arm around my shoulders and we started walking.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jack and I walked around for a quite long time, meeting other bands and hanging out with them for a few hours.

But currently we were back in our bus and getting ready for the party.

I just put on a black FOB sweater instead of my black hoodie. I straightened my brown, collarbone-length hair and put on a bit more make up than usually.

I went into the front lounge were the guys were sitting, already waiting for me.

"Ready", I smiled at them and they got up. We went to where the music was blasting and all the people were already having fun.

We kind of lost each other at the party so I was alone which made me feel kinda anxious. I hate being on my own around so many people, especially strangers.

I made sure that Rian wasn't in my near before I went to the tables with drinks. I grabbed a beer and took a big sip. Jack from Sleeping with Sirens was a few next to me, pouring some different kinds of alcohol in his cup.

"Suuuup Liz", he said as he noticed me, already a bit tipsy I guess.

"Hey Jack, have you seen Austin?", I laughed at him. He looked like he was thinking about my question.

"Yeah he must be over there", he told me and nodded into some direction.

"Thanks", I smiled at him and made my way over to Austin but as I saw that he was standing there with lots of other people I turned back around.

"Liz? Liz come over here", he yelled over the music. Dammit. I went over to him and smiled.

"Hey Liz", he greeted me and looked at my beer in my hand. "Don't let Rian see you with that", he laughed.

"Yeah it's better if he won't see it", i said, laughing.

We talked for a little bit more until I decided that I needed to get away from all these people.

I walked a bit until the music wasn't so loud anymore and sat down on the ground. I closed my eyes and poured down the rest of my beer.

"Having fun?", someone asked which caused me to jump. I opened my eyes to see just Vic infront of me. He smiled and sat down next to me. I placed my bottle on the ground and looked at him.

"Still the same Liz that doesn't give a fuck about the rules", Vic said and laughed.

"What rules?", I laughed along.

"What are you doing here?", he asked me taking a sip from his cup.

"Just needed to get away from all the people, you know", I told him truthfully. He looked gently at me.

"It's fine. What are you doing here", i asked him to change the topic.

"I was peeing over there because I couldn't find our bus", he told me, his words a bit slurred. I guess he's a bit drunk too. "But Liz?"

"Yeah Vic?", I looked up at him.

"In all honest, how have you really been? Like have you ever been doing it again since then? And what about this boy?", he asked all the questions at once. Notice to myself; Vic is a curious drunk.

He is like another big brother to me and I could always talk with him about everything.

"Okay I'm gonna answer all the questions the order you asked", I laughed a bit. "How i've really been? Actually, it was really hard but no, I've never done it again. And I haven't seen Eric since then which I'm really glad about", I answered him all his questions and he nodded the whole time.

"I'm proud of you", he told me and hugged me. I didn't know what to say so I just hugged him back.

"Wanna go back to the party?", I asked him.

"If you can", he said serious. I nodded and stood up. He stood up too and we made our way back to the party.

Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends (Jack Barakat)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora