Chapter 2

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"Done", Jack said as he closed my last bag. It took us about half an hour to pack all my stuff and I'm glad he helped because it always takes ms hours to pack when I do it by myself.

"Thanks for your help", i thanked him and gave him a sweet smile.

He smiled back at me. "Let's go downstairs", he said and opened the door and mentioned me to go first. I went down the stairs and he followed me.

Aa soon as he reached the kitchen he opened the fridge and took out a beer. "You want anything?", he asked me.
"Water. Thanks for offering me something from our fridge", I said and he laughed.

He gave me a water bottle and we both sat down on a stool at the kitchen counter.

I opened the bottle and noticed bags at the front door.

"Are you staying the night?", I asked him, assuming tee bags to be his.

"Yeah so we don't have to drive to my house in the morning", he told me just as Rian came out of his room.

"Have you packed your stuff yet, Liz?", he asked me and sat down next to me.
I nodded because wasn't able to say yes with water in my mouth.

"I helped her", Jack said and put an arm around me. My heart started to beat a little faster but I shrugged it off.

"Good, her bags would probably still empty without your help", Rian said and they both laughed. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Alright, who wants go watch a film?", I asked, heading over to the living room to choose a DVD.
"Me", they said in unison and followed me. I put in a random DVD and sat down next to Jack.

Two hours later

The film was over and I felt really tired but I was too lazy to get up.
Jack moved my legs off his lap and leaned over to get the remote from the couch table.

"Hey", I groaned.
"What? I just wanted to turn off the TV", he said and laughed.
"But you're a comfortable leg rest", I said. He turned off the TV and turned to me. "I know", he said and winked.

I laughed and got up.
"Well I'm heading to bed, see you tomorrow", I said and went upstairs.

I changed into sweatpants and a shirt, took off my make up and brushed my teeth. When I was done i lied down on my bed and wrapped myself in a blanket burrito. I took my iPod, put in my headphones and clicked on shuffle. I listening to music, driving off to sleep.

Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends (Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now