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Grace - to him

My Cal,

I feel obliged to fill in the blanks. Max (she told me you call her Max?) told me you don't remember much from 'that' night and I get it, I really do.

I try to forget that night.

But it's down to you to remember it Cal, it's your recovery.

So I'll tell you what's been going on with me and Ashton instead, maybe it'll provide a welcome distraction.

Dad came to us today and straight out told us that he thinks we're depressed.

Ashton told him to go fuck himself because it's his fault for taking us away from our home.

Calum I'm telling you I've never seen my dad speechless but when Ashton actually spoke to him like that his jaw hit the floor.

He left the room without another word.

It was brilliant and for the first time in weeks we were both smiling.

Love Gracie x

Grace - Calum Hood (completed) Where stories live. Discover now