T w e n t y T h r e e

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Calum -  Therapy


It's easier to type to you about everything Max.

I'm glad you're alright with me calling you that.

To answer your question, no I don't think Grace would mind you knowing about her personal issues because she'd understand that if I told you, it would help me in my steps to "recovery" as you say.

But I don't want to tell you, it's not my place.

So I'm going to talk about Grace in general because maybe you'll like reading about her.

Gracelyn Anne Irwin.

She's been my best friend since middle school you know? We first spoke on the playground when she kicked some guys ass who stole my juice box -turned out it was her older brother Ashton- and gave me a Dora bandaid because I'd fell and cut my knee.

After that we were inseparable.

We stuck by each other's sides, no matter what.

I taught her to play football she taught me how to play the guitar.

In year 7 we met Michael and Luke but didn't really hang with them much until year 9. Then even though he was two years older than us, when we were in year 11 we hung out with her brother Ashton all the time too.

But now, well now she's gone.

And Ashton.

So now it's just me, Mikey and Luke.


Grace - Calum Hood (completed) Where stories live. Discover now