"Positive." He answered.

"You know that woman hates me. I'm sure that if she can get away with murder, she would have killed me a long time ago. You wanna know why? Because she still wants you. She still loves you and wants to be with you."

"I love her too," Drew said.

Alex frowned her face, "Excuse me?" She folded her arms across her chest and leaned away from him.

Realizing what he'd just said, Drew sighed. "Not like that. I'm not in love with her, I just love her as a person. She is Joy's mom and that's what I can love her for. Giving me a daughter."

"I guess. Since she can give you a baby, you love her."

Realizing that he and his wife are having trouble conceiving, he knew he should have just kept his mouth shut. "Al, I'm sorry. That's not what I'm trying to say."

Alex put her hand up for him to stop talking. She got up and went to the garage.

Drew sat on the couch in silence. Since he married ALex, he'd made sure that he would be completely honest with her because he never wanted to lose her trust the way he lost LaTrice's. He, himself can admit that he's changed and he was glad about, but he didn't like the honesty part of his change because he knew that the truth hurts.

He gave her an hour in the garage. Whenever she gets upset, she would go in the garage and work on an art piece. After the hoir, he went into the garage.

"Al?" He called after her. She was covered in paint. He saw the canvas and it was mostly red with a mix of other colors.

Drew had no clue what her piece was. He would ask but she'd have to explain it to him. Now was the time for that.

She sat her paintbrush in that he cup of water.

"Sweetheart, please don't very upset." He said as he got close to her.

She looked at him. "I'm fine." She gave a fake smile.

"Come on, babe."

She sighed, knowing that he knew that she was still upset.

"As your wife, it hurt me to hear you say that you still love her." She said. "But I understand why. She was your wife, and she's Joy's mom. Truthfully, that's the only reason I tolerate her. However, as for you and your relationship with her, you have to remember that she was your past. Your ex wife."

"You're right, sweetheart. And you're my wife. The woman I am gonna spend the rest of my life with. " He said with honesty.

"You just don't get, that in my mind, you can just up and leave me whenever you want and go be with her. You know, you guys can be a family again."

Drew let out a laugh and she frowned her face and him and narrowed her eyes.

"Alex, one thing I can assure you and that is that I will not leave you and I certainly won't be going back to her. That's a promise. You're the perfect woman for me and I wouldn't dare be a damn fool by letting go. I mean that."

"I'd probably kill you before you would leave me." She put her hands on her hips.

He chuckled. "I'd believe you, so I won't even try it." He stepped closer to her and wrapped his arms around her, but she backed away.

"You're in your work clothes and I have paint on me." She said.

"I don't care about these clothes like I care about my woman. Come here." With a little force,  he pulled her closer and gave her a kiss that was better than the one they'd shared earlier.

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