Ch 37. Work Hard, Get More

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"N-No." I confessed because I suck at lying.

"Thought so sugar. But I want you to perform Trapped and your new song, I'm myself. Then how about we show a preview of the MV there then? It's a rich school so I bet they have a big screen or something."

"S-Sure. Then see you the day after tomorrow Justin."

"Yeah have a good day!"

Will I be able to keep this up?! I have this Ambreal problem, then Dan problem, then MV and then it's concert! Okay, I have to solve this. But the Dan matter is rather big compared to the others. I have gotten some fans and I'm so happy but he'll ruin my career with a scandal! I can't do that and I don't want to disappoint my fans.

I didn't realise that he had already hung up and I was still holding the phone to my ear. Now I'm falling into the dark world again and I sometimes suspect that I'm getting emo.

"What are you doing here Chris?" someone said from behind me and I jumped out of my seat.

"Don't fucking scare me!" I yelled at the boys that go to my class when they started laughing.

"You're like a girl!" That trigged my mind. "You're scared of every little thing!" They think that girls are scared of everything? That's a big misinterpret. But I guess girls and boys are for that.

I remembered that Darrén is in all of the sportstuff except football - I don't like football because I think their armor or whatever it is looks gay. He ran after the guys and caught my sight. I flashed through everything that happened yesterday and silently walked away. He thinks that Emíne and Krystal(I) are fighting so he'll definitely tell me(Chris) about it. I don't really want to reflect what happened yesterday. Next time I see him I'll tell him that Krystal told me about it. But for now I can't take it. It's too much to think about.


This is the first time in this school they have set a lesson with watching a movie. The thing is that this school is really good and they find skilled substitute in some seconds. But this time they let us off with watching 'Easy A' because this class is one of the best or something. The difference between this school and a public school is that they actually let you watch the latest movies. The other schools probably let you watch something from the 70's or worse.

I had watched this movie when it came out and I thought that Olive was nice for doing all those things when everyone would think badly of her and she helped others to get better thoughts of them.

That's it!

I have an idea! I have to clear out the Dan problem and thank this movie. I can get someone to do something with him so they seem to be doing something embarrassing and get a picture of it! If you can't find anything from the past, make one!

I was so happy and everyone seemed to notice it.

"Uh... Worst song ever!" the big screen tv said.

"I got a pocket,
Got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love and I know that its all mine
Oh, oh
Do what you want,
But your never gonna break me,
Sticks and stone are never gonna shake me
Oh, o"  Olive sang and I sang with her. I was that happy.


"Emínem!" I shouted through the big field. I could see that she was thinking hard but when she heard that name she snapped at me.

"I hate when people call me that!" she yelled and hit me on my shoulder. This girls have no strenght.

"Then why don't you stop with Chrystrah?" I laughed even though I'm not really against that name. She smiled.


"Uhuh." I added. Then I came up with the plan of Dan(wow if rhymes!) and started jumping happily while Emíne gave me weird glares.

"I have a plan!" I yelled.

"What?" she twitched her eyebrows. "How can you think about a plan now? Do you even remember what happened yesterday?" That made me quite sad.

"Uh yeah... Do you know why she was crying?"

She shook her head. Fuck this.

"I've been thinking so much about it but I can't find something enough to make someone like Ambreal cry. She's a hard rock when it comes to crying." I looked at the sky above us. No clouds at all. I'd usually be happy when it's good weather but it's kind of impossible since my life is so messed up.

"Ugh I hate this." I sighed.

"Me too." she agreed.

"But how about I tell you about the Dan plan? I feel bad for putting this priority of Dan but I just kind of realised today how many fans I've gotten and I don't want to lose them with a scandal." She smiled and told me that she know how I felt.

"How about... We hire a girl to get close to him and and take a pic of them making out or something and then he'll be on the first page of celebrity gossip! If he has a girl then he can't have me because his image will be even more ruined by then!"

"Great idea!" she smiled.

We talked for a while because we had a long break until we came to that topic.

"So who are you playing then?"

"What?" I said, confused.

"The school play. You haven't forgotten it have you?"


How do I manage to forget every single important thing?! But I can't take a girl role because then they'll see that it's Sarah(me). I can't take a big role because then I'll have to memorise lines and I don't really want to do that with all these things coming at the same time.

"How could I miss it?!" I squealed. She laughed at me.

"Because you always skip the homeroom class?" she said.

"That is true but you know what has been going on in my head lately, don't you? Of course I don't have time then!" She agreed and then told me about the details.

"The play is going to be about a boy that is an agent and the one he's arresting that is a criminal that makes the best robberies is a girl he is starting to like. Then there's blablabla but it has turned out good. As you told that we should have romance and action the guy will do many stunts and you know."

"Great! Then what roles are left?"

"An old man that is being robbed."

"I'll take that!" I laughed.

"Suits you."

"Hey what the hell did you just say?!" I shouted and formed my hand into a fist. Then something popped up into my mind.

"When is the play?"

"On Thursday?" she said. That's in 4 days. When I'm performing.

Why do I get so many problems?!


Sarah Montana Living In The Boys' DormWhere stories live. Discover now