Twenty one

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"And this is my room." I say. Finishing off the tour. The entire time Ki was astonished.
"Your house is awesome. I still can't believe you live here." He says. I giggle.
"Kaya! Are you ready to talk to us yet?" Dylan yells out. Geez that guy can get impatient.
"Be right there." I call out. "There is a pool out the back if you want to go for a swim or something." I say then run downstairs.
"Hey guys. Ah yeah so I need to talk to you about something."
"Well we're all ears. Unless you're pregnant then I'm outta here." Will says.
"Haha very funny. No I'm not pregnant." I say sarcastically. "Now if one of us moved out what do you think would happen?" I ask. Trying to make the situation lighter.
"Why? Wait, are you moving out?" Dylan asks.
"Ki asked me to uh, move in with him. I'm thinking about it. I just wanted to talk to you guys about it." I explain.
"So you're considering it." Thomas asks. I nod. "Why though. You've lived here for like six years! Why are thinking of moving out when you could've done that ages ago." Thomas yells.
"Look guys I'm sorry but it was bound to happen to any of us. It would be no different. So please don't make it different for me." I say. I hear someone on the stairs so I turn around and see Zac.
"Are you ok Kaya?" He asks.
"I'm fine. If you want you can go for a swim." I say. He smiles and runs up stairs.
"She's right guys. Thomas it could've been you. Or Dylan." Will says.
"Thank you Will. Guys remember I may not actually move out. I'm just considering it." I say.
"Fine we'll keep it in mind." Dylan says. Sighing. I clap my hands together.
"Now should we show Ki how childish we are in the house?" I ask. We all smirk.
"Hide and seek?" Thomas suggests.
"Hide and seek." I agree. I call out for Ki and Zac and tell them what we're playing. Zac gets excited but Ki just looks scared.
"Oh and it's tiggy. Will you're it." I say. We decided to count to 30 to give us less time to hide. Except Zac has more time to hide then the rest of us.
"Ok go!" I shout and we run around the house. Trying to find a spot to hide. I find a spot outside and hide there.
"Alright guys I'm coming!" Will yells and I smirk. I hear his heavy footsteps and stifle my laughter. I can hear Zac laughing near by. He's caught but he immediately runs when he realises Will heard.
(5 minutes later)
No one has found me and I'm pretty sure they have all been found. Not even Thomas who knows all the key spots where I hide. I should know. He hides in these spots too.
"Ok Kaya. We give up." Ha. Yeah right. They're close though.
"At least make a sound." Thomas says.
"Coo. Coo." I say. I hear the, whispering so I bolt up and run. Ki and Dylan are the only ones who can catch me so I'm in pretty good luck.
"You missy are not going anywhere." Ki says as he catches me. Well more like tackles me.
"Ok one thing OW! And second thing I can see that." I say as I dust myself off.
"Sorry but, on the bright side you didn't break anything."
"How do you know that?" I say. Looking at him suspiciously. I'm the end I laugh and walk back over to the boys. We decide that that's enough for today and go inside but frankly, I think it's just because the boys were getting hungry so I start making dinner with the help of Thomas.
As we were making tea the doorbell rings.
"I'll get it!" Dylan yells out. I hear footsteps going to wards the door. Then I hear the door open.
"Uh Kaya! You might want to come here." Dylan shouts. I groan.
"Sorry Tommy. Be right back." I say. I out down the knife I was using and walk toward the door only to stop in my tracks.
"Mum, dad. Hi."

I just want to be normalOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz