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I'm walking through a corridor and it seems to be going on for what seems like an eternity. It's continuous. Never ending. Then I hear something. Or more like Someone. This makes my blood run cold and my face pale. It sounds like someone I know. I see a door next to me and open it. Walking in cautiously. I walk in and feel around the wall. Looking for a switch. I find one and flick it on and straight away the room illuminates. And sitting there is my family. Tied up with no way to get free. I run over to them and try to untie the ropes. Taking the things out of their mouths was easy but untying the ropes around their hands was a struggle. Then I feel something cold against my head. I freeze. I knew what it was and the outcomes weren't going to be good...
I wake up gasping for air. I must've been screaming too though because almost everyone is in my room. Looking at me as if I'm going insane.
"Kaya are you ok?" Thomas asks me.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just a nightmare. I been having them a lot lately." I say. Confessing because it's true. Ever since that phone call which was 2 weeks ago I've been having that dream. I guess this time though I finally let it get to me.
"Are you sure you're ok?" This time it's Ki. I nod my head and they all leave. Well at least I think so. As I'm about to lay back down I feel my bed dip. It's Ki.
"You wanna talk about it?" He asks. I nod my head and sit up. Turning my lamp while doing so. I explain the entire dream to him. All in detail. I explain what I think the origin of the dream is and he hugs me. Actually hugs me! Not just one of those side hugs we give each other after filming. I proper hug. A hug that makes you feel protected and as if there is actually good in the world.
"I'm sorry." He whispers. "I had no idea." He says. I close to crying. He looks down at me and notices my glossy eyes. Then I can't take it anymore. I let out all the emotion I've been holding this past couple of weeks. He rubs my back. Helping me calm down and soon I have.
"This is so stupid." I say and smile. He does too but he looks a little confused.
"Why?" He asks.
"Because half of that I don't even know why I'm crying. Then I feel as if I know." I say and we laugh. Then we just smile. That smile though. His smile is something to die for. I realise I've been staring too long and I look away but stops me.
"What are you doing?" I ask ask while I giggle a little. He just smiles.
"Capturing your beauty." He says.
"I'm not beautiful." I say but I still look into his eyes.
"Yes you are." Then before I know it his lips are on mine and his kissing me. After my moment of shock I kiss back. Then he pulls away.
"That was so clichè." I say and we laugh.
"But you love me." He says.
"Don't get too ahead of yourself." I say and we kiss again before he realises that he should get back to his room before anyone gets suspicious.
"I should go. I'll see you tomorrow and remember we have a day off so we can do whatever we want." He smirks at that sentence which only makes we throw a pillow at him. He tries to dodge it but fails. He sticks his tongue out at me and walks out the room. Me smiling like an idiot at what just happened.
I wake up. To no alarm. No nothing. I wake up to something that I haven't had in a long time. Quiet. I lay there. Thinking of last night. I smile love me a dork but then I hear a knock on my door. I groan but get out of bed and open the door to see Dylan standing there and he looks as if he needs to get in right now. He notices that I've opened the door and runs in. Closing the door behind him then sitting against it.
"What in the actual world is going on?" I ask. Slightly confused.
"We're playing hide and seek. I was running out of options of hide so I went to the closest door." He explains then walks around the rooms before going into the bathroom and hiding in there. I stifle a laugh as I hear frantic footsteps which means someone is running. I hear another knock on the door and I regain my composure and make myself look unsuspicious. Then open the door and there stands Will.
"Yes Will." I ask innocently.
"Is Dylan here?" He asks. He must be the seeker.
"Nope. Just me." I force myself not to bite my lip which indicates that I'm lying and he buys it. He nods then walks away. I close the door and breath a sigh of relief. I hear the bathroom door open and out walks Dylan.

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