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"This party is amazing!" My friend Skylah says.
"Thanks. Um could you please help me find the others. I have something to tell you all." I say. Her face drops but goes as soon as it came.
"Yeah sure." We go looking until we find them all then go outside so that it's a bit quieter.
"What's up Kaya?" Sam asks. He's my cousin. Here goes nothing. I think to myself.
"Whatever I say, promise you won't get mad." I ask. They nod.
"I'm moving." I say and their faces drop.
"Wha-" Gabi goes to say but Sam puts his hand over her mouth.
"Where are you moving too?" Jordan asks.
"New Orleans. I leave in two days." I say. Sad that I have broken the news.
"Why?" Gabi asks once she gets over her shock.
"Too continue my acting career. I have auditioned for a role near there and I got a role there too so I figured it would be best if I moved." I explain. Their faces have dropped. Now I feel bad. "Look guys I'm sorry and I really don't want too but you know how my life is." I say. Tears pricking my eyes.
"Then don't! Stay here with us. Don't leave!" Sam says. By now I am full on sobbing.
"You know I can't! You know how much I live my job. I thought you guys would understand!" I shout. Not our of anger but out of frustration. "If it were the other way around I would understand. So please just understand for me." I say. Crying uncontrollably. Then I walk inside. Leaving them dumbfounded.
So I sit at the bench. Enjoying a drink. Savouring the last few moments I will have at this house. Soon I will be living in New Orleans. In a mansion. With three of my celebrity friends.
I still haven't stopped crying. It hasn't been that long though. I am still sitting at the bench. Crying. Then I feel strong arms wrap around me.
"You okay love?" It's Thomas.
"Ha. No. My friends practically told me to stop my career. All because hey want me to stay here and not go to New Orleans. This is what I want to do and ugh." I cry harder. He soothes me.
"I'm sure they didn't mean it. I mean they want the best for you. They just don't want you to go." He says. He rubs my back until I calm down.
"Thanks Thomas. I ah better go find them. No doubt they'll want to say sorry." Just then I get a text. It says it's from Skylah.
S: we left. We're sorry about before. We'll just really miss you. Hope to see you before you leave and just know you will always be our bestie.
Xoxo Skylah.
I text back with a smile on my face the check the time. 9:30. I decide that it is time to go to bed and there is hardly anyone here. They are all sleeping over. So it shouldn't matter if I go to sleep early. This place is practically their home when they visit.
"Goodnight!" I shout out. Mostly because I can't be bothered going to the party because it is past the stairs. Just as I start climbing the stairs I hear the reply.
I reach my room and open the door. I grab a change of clothes then go to the bathroom. I strip off the dress that I wore today and get in the shower after taking off my undergarments.  
The hot water runs down my back. It feels nice and it's the one thing I hate about showers. I love them but the temperature is always so nice you never want to get out.
After about 10 minutes I decide that I've had a long enough shower and get out.
I dry myself then put in my pyjamas. I clean my teeth and go back to my room.
I reach my room and my brother is there. Sleeping in my bed. He hadn't done that in a long time. Only when he was little and had a bad dream. Sometimes mum and dad would say no because he was getting too big so he would come in here and snuggle up with me. I sometimes miss those days.
I walk over to the bed and sadly wake him up. He looks cute but, he is getting a bit big.
"Zac, come on. Wake up." He wakes up. "Come on. You have to go to your room." He gets up and goes to his room. I shit the door and go back to my room.
I jump back in bed and turn off the light. I fall asleep and dream of the day I leave. Of the day I leave family and friends behind.

I just want to be normalUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum