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(This is the day she leaves)
I get to the airport. Family and friends trailing behind me. All of them are almost in tears. I am too but, Im with Dylan, Thomas and Will. They'll look after me. They always do.
Right now we are at the terminal where I will leave. A special one as they know what our jobs are and they gave us a special section in the plane which is for celebrities only. I am hugging my mum and she is sobbing. Begging me not to leave. But I have too. Then my flight is called.
"Could everyone going to New Orleans please go to gate 25. Kaya Scodelario, Dylan Obrien, Thomas Sangster and Will Poulter gate 5. Thank you." I hug everyone quickly as everyone now knows that we are here. I give Zac the biggest hug. He is the one that always wants me there. I just can't be though. He is crying.
"Kaya, please don't go, please!" He sobs and I hug him.
"You know I have too." I give him a kiss on the head and go through the gate after giving the attendant my ticket. I wave goodbye to everyone before disappearing into the tunnel.
I get in the plane and I have of course gotten used to the luxury so, I'm not surprised when I see premium class luxury. Sometimes with a bit of first class involved. I take a seat and immediately greeted with an attendant asking if I would like a drink. I choose a soft drink as I can't have alcohol yet and drink that.
As I sit there waiting for the plane to take off I get a text.
Already miss you. Hope you have a good time at your new home. We luv u so much😘😘
It was my mum. Sent with my brother. I tear up but don't cry. This is supposed to be a happy moment. I decide to put a selfie on Instagram with the caption on my way to my new home New Orleans. Can't wait for to be in my new home! Thx so much to my family who were there when I needed it. Then I post it. Immediately get 30 likes on the spot. Which is amazing and a little creepy. I don't see someone's post until like an hour or something after they send it. Let alone a text.
"Could all passengers pleas get ready for takeoff. We will be leaving in 5 minutes." I realise I don't have my seatbelt on me strap myself in. I grab a thing of chewy from my bag and pop it in my mouth.
5 minutes later we take off. We take off away from my home.
That word makes me smile. Home. The place with all my memories. The place where I learnt to walk and later on where I learnt to act.
I sit here now. Either enjoying the company of the boys or the company of my electronics. It is mostly the boys though because they are always in the mood to be humorous. It is hilarious.
After a while the seatbelt light turns back on. We're about to land. I strap myself in just as the announcement came. Then we start to descend. This is my favourite part about a plane. The time you reach your destination. I love the feeling. The feeling of going down in a plane. It feels weird but at the same time awesome.
"Oh this part makes me feel sick." Will complains and I laugh.
"How? This part is awesome!" Dylan and I say at the same time. Then burst out laughing. Thomas does too.
"The way your stomach drops. I hate it." By now we have finished laughing and Will looks really embarrassed.
"Ok. We support you." I say. Trying to hold in my laughter.

Five minutes later and we are on the ground. In New Orleans. Where I will start my new life. So yes I am only 18 and I should still be at home but my life ain't regular.
"So what the address again?" I ask Dylan who bought the house.
"Ahh, I don't know. The limo driver said he would drive us there."
"Seriously? Relying on other people?" Thomas says.
"I'm sure he will take us too the correct place." Will States and we have no choice but to agree.
We go to the baggage claim and wait for all our luggage to come around the conveyor belt. Once it does we grab everything and go outside only to be greeted by cameras. Just in time too because the limo comes to the pick up zone. We cover our faces with our carry on and everything we have in our hands and get in the limo. Leaving it to the limo driver to put our things in the boot before driving off.

Reaching the house was the most exciting thing about this entire trip. It is amazing! It is a two storey house and very modern.
"Dylan. This house is amazing." I say. And don't judge because I'm a girl and basically everything I see is amazing.
"Yep." He says. And I look at him with the 'are you serious look' and he chuckles.
We walk toward the house and Dylan unlocks the door. The exterior is just as amazing as the interior.
"And you scored this nice a house how?" I ask.
"I like the fancy stuff too you know." We all laugh and we walk into our new home. The new place to call home. Our home.

I just want to be normalWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt