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"Glad you didn't give it away. Check to see if there's anyone out there." He says. I walk over to the door and open it wide enough for my head and shoulders and look around. I can't see anyone. I look at Dylan and nod. He gets the message and runs through. Most likely to his room. Then I hear an aha and he's caught. It sounded a lot like Ki. He must've been caught. He runs by my room and gets Dylan. This makes me laugh.
"Thanks Kaya." Dylan yells.
"There wasn't anyone when I checked." I say and we all laugh. When Dylan goes to find Will, Ki walks over to my door and leans against the doorframe.
"Hey." I say and give him a classic side hug.
"Hey. So about last night?" He asks.
"Yeah what about it?" I ask him. Slightly confused.
"I know this sounds really weird but was it real?" He asks.
"If I said yes would it make you feel better?" I ask.
"Depends if you mean it." He says. I go on my tiptoes and give him a peck on the lips. Then it turns into something more. But Ki pulls away because we could hear footsteps.
"Of course I mean it. Don't tell Will but I'm playing. I'll be out there if 5." I say and smirk. This'll be fun. "Oh and tell Will to restart the game but don't tell him I'm playing." Ki nods his head and I close the door. Putting on some clean clothes and brushing my hair and my teeth. Then I walk out and hide behind a really big bush.
After waiting for a while I hear frantic footsteps. They are coming towards me to I cower even further behind the bush, hoping they won't see me. They don't. This time Dylan is the seeker and Will gets to hide. As is it there I hear the bush rustle then jump as someone sits next to me. But it's the no other Ki Hong Lee.
"Does he know?" I ask. He shakes his head.
"No. Isn't suspecting a thing." He says and we sit there. He's covering me from the side he came through so no one will see me from that side.
After half an hour we are still sitting here. Waiting for someone to find us. No one has. Then Ki is found and I have to hide for myself.
It has now been an hour and no one has suspected a thing. Then I hear another set of frantic steps. Once again coming this way. Ki must've given in. Then they find me. Sitting there trying my best not to laugh.
"Hello." I say happily.
"You my friend. You are so sneaky. You know that." Will says. I laugh.
"Ki gave in I'm guessing." I say and sigh. Will just chuckles.
"Yes. Yes he did." He says. We get up and I walk out from my hiding spot. Will following close behind.
We go to his (wills room) and everyone is standing there. Including Wes and James. The author and director of the amazing movie and books. I see Ki and walk up behind him. Scaring him or at least trying too but he turns around just as I'm about too. Making me fail at my attempt.
"Dammit." I curse under my breath. He comes over to me.
"Trying to scare me I see." He says. I giggle.
"Maybe." I say and hug him. Earning awws from everyone in the room. I laugh and continue talking with him drink in hand.
After party I for a while I check the time. 8:00 and I'm already exhausted. Stupid alcohol.
"Well I'm going to go back to my room and try to get rid of this hangover." I tell Ki. He nods and I give him a peck on the cheek which, once again, earns a few awws from everyone. I laugh and walk out of the room.
I unlock my door and walk in. The scent of a new hotel room still hits my face every time I walk in. I decide to have a shower then go to bed. Doing just that I get in and scrub my body with the soap I bought and washing my hair. I get out after standing there and letting the hot water cover my body. I dry myself and put my pyjamas on then go to sleep.
I'm in a dark room. I can't see anything but I can hear a few things. It sounds like there's people talking. I don't know who they are though. But then I hear a few people struggling to get out of something. Not noticing I was tied up to I try to help them but fail at my attempt. After my struggling the 'captors' come closer. Their voices do too. I can now tell that there's at least 3 of them. But only two are coming near me. Then the lights come on...
I once again wake up with a gasp. No one is in my room so I mustn't have been screaming too loudly. I check the time and it's 6:15. Only an hour until I have too get up by. I shrug my shoulders and check my phone. One message sent at 11:00.
Hey Kaya. It's Zac. I can't wait too see you again. Hopefully I see you tomorrow. I smile at the message. Such a sweet kid yet so far away. Though sometimes we can hate each other's guts. I get out of bed and decide to make a bit of breakfast. It can't hurt.
I decide on something that will take a while and make pancakes. This hotel has everything in this level. Which is bitter sweet. As I'm cooking the pancakes on the pan I hear a knock on my door. Confused I walk over and open the door. I gasp as I see what is in front of me.

Hey guys. Ohhh I wonder who it is. Such a mystery. Read the next chapter to find out.

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