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I can't believe that five years ago I decided to try and at least be a normal girl. I almost succeeded but in the end I gave up.
Today is the last day of term. Of the year! It's the last day of school for the year twelves. The last day we will ever be in school. Unless you're going to university.
Over the years I have of course made friends. The first one is Gabi. Then a lot more. I'm lucky that they haven't dropped out.
As I sit at the table we claimed and talk with some friends that have just come along I savour it. The last moments. The last time we will ever see each other again. It's lunch right now. Afterwards we get to go home and get ready for graduation. Of course the media will be there and most of the attention will be focused on me but, oh well. Tonight will be my night and if the media comes then so be it.
We sit there and the bell goes. I still haven't told them. That in two days I'm moving to New Orleans. I am going to be dreading it. The fact that I have to leave them. And the fact that I'm telling them so late. But I have to tell them sometime. I just don't want too. I've told my parents. They have of course helped me pack. I'm going to miss this place but, I have auditioned for a role and if I do get it then it will be nice and close. I have also gotten another role in a movie there so I'm moving just because it's closer. I think Dylan is also plotting to get me on Teen Wolf which I don't really want to be on. I just like it. I don't want to be on it.
I hug them. The final moments will be spent with them tonight. Tonight is when I will tell them. Against my will.
"Well I will see you guys tonight." I say and we go our separate ways. I get in my car and drive off.
I get home and I see that the shop is really busy. People everywhere, only mum and dad. My brother is going to a friends house so not even he's here.
"Need some help?" I ask.
"Shut up and yes. Please!" My mum says. I laugh and start helping them. Soon all the people are out of shop and I am relieved. Until I got there all they wanted was their mail. Then they wanted autographs but, all I did was turn them down. They should know by now.
"Thanks Kaya." My dad says.
"Hey. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do." I laugh. They do too.
"Well you have to get ready for tonight. Don't want to be late." My mum says. I laugh then go into the lounge room and drop my bag in the ground. My mum has been trying to break the habit but, I can't end it. She hates it.
I go into the bathroom and get in the shower. I wash my hair and scrub my body down. Then I enjoy the hot water while I can. Then decide to get out and dry myself off.
Tonight I have to be at the school again by 5:30. It is already 4:45. I still have ages! My outfit for tonight is a simple black dress with a cross over at the back. It is short but not too short. It is also my style. And it doesn't release so much colour as the graduation robes are a very bright blue so it doesn't need more colour. I have also decided to wear some black high heels. They are big enough for me to walk in without breaking my ankle. Meaning they aren't very big.
I finish drying myself and for the meantime put on some jeans and a t shirt while I do my hair and makeup. With some help of my mum as I am horrible at doing my own hair.
When I finish my hair I check the time. 5:00 exactly! I run into the bathroom and do my makeup. Some simple makeup. I check the time again. 5:10. Ugh! I am freaking out by now. Now that I finished doing the stuff that could've damaged my outfit I can now put it on. I find it in my cupboard and slip it on. Afterwards I strap my heels on then find my graduation robe and the hat. I check the time and I am relieve. 5:20. I'm ready on time. I grab my keys, purse and phone and walk out. My brother is home by now and was forced to wear something nice. My mum is wearing a nice outfit and my dad is wearing his usual except with a little pride.
I turn the car on and back out of the driveway turning the radio on in the process. And being the cheeky daughter I am I put my brother in the front and my parents in the back. Just to be cheeky. My brother is grateful. He's never been in my car before. Though my parents are a different story. They aren't ray happy and I laugh at their faces every now and again.
We reach the school and I thankfully got there on time. I run inside but stop when I realise I can't run in heels and find my friends. The friends I have to break the news too. As I'm talking I hear my name being called. I turn around and see Dylan, Thomas and Will! I haven't seen them since year 7. Well except for Will. I haven't seen him since who knows how long. I run up to them and meet them in the middle.
"Oh my god! What are you guys doing here?" I ask once I finish hugging all of them.
"Well. When we found out about you graduating and all we decided that we would come and surprise you!" Will explained and I was so happy. They came just for my graduation even though I didn't come to theirs.
"You guys!" I say. "Thank you!" Right now I am over the moon. I have my best friends here. The friends that experience what I go through everyday.
"Could all graduates please come to the backstage. Thank you." The announcer says and I am forced to say goodbye to my friends.
"Well I gotta go. My parents are just over there." I point over at them. They see them and start walking over. I walk to the stage and see everyone already there.
"Ok. Now that everyone is here. We will be in alphabetical order so I'm sorry if you aren't with your friends but, you have enough time to hang out with them after the ceremony." The organiser explains then starts putting us in order. From A to Z.  By the time everyone is done it is time to go out on stage. That's when I hear it. Hear them. Reporters, cameras. People I hate when I just want to be alone. Everyone looks at me but I shrug it off. I made an oath to myself to not let the media bother me. I will enjoy tonight.
We stand backstage. Quiet whispers happening all at once. I get the occasional glance from people. I know what they're thinking. The medias here. Shouldn't you be running? I shrug it off. Then the music starts and we all walk on stage. Then we take our seats.
The principle makes a speech. Then it is time for us to get our diplomas. The moment when we graduate.
Names are called out left, right and centre. Every person comes on. I swear these cameras have gotten at least a hundred photos and reporters won't stop trying to ask questions. It is getting annoying. Then I hear my name.
"... Kaya Scodelario." I smile and stand up. Letting the media get as many photos as possible. I even turned towards them and smiled. Holding my diploma in my hand. Then I walk over to the other side. Now we don't have to be in order so I sit with my friends that graduated with me.
When everyone comes over to the other side the principle announces the words that we have wanted to hear since forever.
"I give you the class of 2014!" He says and we all throw out hats in the air then celebrate. Hugging everyone. Finally. Finally.
When we go to our family and friends.
"So how does it feel?" Dylan asks.
"What was your reaction to graduating?" I ask him.
"Stoked. Excited."
"You just answered your own question." I say. Then I go over to my mum.
"I can't believe you graduated!" She says then hugs me tight. I know why. She'll miss me.
"Same." My dad and my brother come over. Joining the hug. Ten the boys do and it's the biggest group hug. Then I realise that I have to tell my friends the bad news. Then come up with an idea.
"Can we have a graduation party tonight? Please?" I ask.
"Of course." My parents answer.
"Yay!" The boys and I say at once. I send a text to my friends and put it away. Just as the media come. God dammit.
"So Kaya, how does it feel to be a high school graduate?" A reporter asks.
"Amazing!" I say. Sticking to one word answers.
"What plans do you have for the future?" They ask. My face pales. So I lie.
"I don't know yet." I say. After a while all reporters are finally gone and I'm free to go.
"Kaya?" My brother asks.
"Yeah Zac?" I ask looking down.
"Why do you have to move?" He asks. Tears in his eyes.
"Because its my job. I know it sucks but remember I won't forget about you. Ok?" I explain. Trying to be as suttle as I can.
"I don't want you to go." He is almost crying now.
"I'll make sure I see you every year. Ok?"
"Ok." He says then hugs me. Because of my heels I have to crouch down, so he can hug me fully.
"I love you Zac." I say. Tears pricking my eyes.
"I love you Kaya." I hug him tighter. I get back up after our hug and go to the car. Opening the door. The boys bought a car from the airport as a rental. I get in and start the engine. Zac is still in the front. I'm doing this because I love my parents reaction. It's priceless.
We'd get home. The boys got here before us. I unlock the door and walk in. Let the party start.

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