Epilogue: Undoing What is Done

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Undoing What is Done

It's been two and a half years since we sent the butterflies and dragonflies away. I'm still proud I helped fulfuill my mother's final wish. Ryumakani has claimed me as his son but understands I can never be part of his world or my sister' world. I can't even be part of this world much longer.

"Hey, Illmarisuoh what are you doing up here?" Ayar asked coming out from the door.

I'm on the roof top of the hospital of the cop who's arm I had ripped off seven years prior was still being kept. I didn't let him see me but I made his arm grow back and he was being discharged today. Aparently when I used my teeth to bite his shoulder off I left behind a type of bacteria that caused extreme infection and nearly killed him. Every time they got rid of it it came back. Now that was gone to.

"I wanted to watch him walk out." I said simply watching as the door opened and the police officer stepped out to be greeted by friends, family and co-workers.

"You could go see him yourself." Ayra prompted me.

"What I did was unforgivable so I'd rather not." I stepped back and turned to her.

What she doesn't know is I already went to see him.

I took my hand out of my pocket and scratched the raw skin with my sharp black nails.

Ayra gasped as the nails started to visibly grow out, "Time's up isn't it?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah, " I said watching as a single green scale grew out of the back of my hand.

"I'll get mom and dad." She said and ran inside.

"You're not going to wait?" Hoshiko asked me in her spirit form.

"No," I said taking a gun out of my other pocket. When I went to visit him I had asked for his help. The police officer had given me is gun so I could end it while I could still think.

"We're sorry we couldn't save you." Munko looked at the ground and kicked a pebble.

"It's okay. I didn't want it to continue." I put the gun to my head and closed my eyes.

"So it's time?" Mom asked as I led her up the stairs to the roof.

A flash went throgh my mind as I seeked out my brother's thoughts. There was something cold and hard against my right temple. I could sense a feeling of deep peace and release.

"No!" I screamed and ran up the stairs leaving mom and dad trying to keep up.

"What's wrong!" Mom yelled after me but I was already to far away to answer.

I burst the door open at the roof and ran out to see Illmaisuoh holding a gun to his head. His nails had grown out five inches so holding the gun was difficult.

"Illmaisuoh!" I screamed at him. He looked at me and pulled the trigger. Instead of blood and brains flying everywhere he started to glow. The gun clattered to the ground and ge burst into several orbs of light. The lights sped away in all directions.

My knees gave out and mom and dad came from the door. Tears slid down my cheeks and wet the pavement like raindrops.

"You might not understand now but there's a reason." Hoshiko said.

"He had just enough life force to bring back every person he killed for one year to be with the people who love them. He had to be sane enough to focous his energy to do it though." Munko said.

"He's just trying to undo what's been done. He hates himself and just wanted to die and you wouldn't comply." Hoshiko said in a soft gentle voice despite the harshness of the words.

Munko walked up to me and whispered in my ear the same thing he'd told me the first time I met him in the hospital all those years ago, "In the magical races if one twin dies, gender doesn't matter, the other one will to. You're alive, what does that mean?"

A year later I moved in with my real father and Lexie who basically adopted me since she was apointed my god-mother by my mother.

I was walking amongst the giant flowers with my oldest half sibling Liberty when we got onto the topic of my brother.

"How did you move on so quickly?" She asked, "Isn't losing a twin the worst thing in the world?"

"It's the absalute worse," I agreed, "But if he was actually dead I wouldn't be here. He's out there somewhere. He might not remember me or ever come back but I'll always know. He's free from those memories now and I'm glad. Even though I can no longer see him I know he;s watching." I whispered looking at the sky.

"That's weird." She said and walked on ahead.

I laughed softly realizing how crazy I sounded. I whispered to the sky so Liberty wouldn't hear, "Yeah, it is but it's true. I'm waiting Illmarisuoh so hurry back."

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