Chapter 15: Origin

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Chapter 15


We're sitting at the dinner table with mom and dad aiting for Luna to come home. Illmarisuoh seems to be having a hard time keeping still. He's been figity since he came in and has curled himself into a ball so no one could see him clearly. I have the distinct feeling if Luna doesn't show up soon he's going to snap and take for the hills. It has been awhile since he was in a proper house not hiding from police. In fact there's a cop in the next room drinking coffee.

"Is she here yet?" He asked perched on the edge of the chair.

"No, if she was you'd be the first to know. You have like super hearing or something. I said eating my cookie.

"My hearing actually isn't that great. I feel vibrations and see body heat. Or smell it, however you put it. It's hard to explain." He explained looking around the room for things to attack him.

"Like a snake." Munko interjeted to make things clearer.

"Oh, reptiles are so confusing." I said.

"Can I go climb a tree or something. This waiting thing isn't working and I don't like enclosed places." Illmarisuoh leaned foreward in his chair a little too far and fell off.

The cop was in here instantly with his gun drawn.

"Okay, that's it! I've had enough. I'm going to climb a tree and take a nap." With that he walked right outside and climbed the maple in front of our house.

"Is he okay?" I asked Hoshiko.

"Probably not. It's uncomfortble be around humans again. He actually claims no kinship with any of you. He dropped his family name and has been on he run for the past four years. Not that I can say much. I was with him since that first night and actually encouraged him to do half the things he did but it was all part of the plan!" She exclaimed.

"What kind of weirdos are you people?" I asked mortified that my brother did what he did because they had told him to.

"Your brother had to be pushed over the edge and the only way to do that was to encourage him. Horrible explanation but the best you're going to get.." He said with that obnoxious I'm-about-ten-thousand-years-older-than-thou-so-I'm-smarter-than-thou tone.

"Grow up!" I yelled at him and threw a salami at him.

"Hey, that was my lunch!" Luna complained from the doorway. "I just turned the bread into salami so we could eat it and you threw it at a famous singer.

Munko smirked with the obnoxious I'm-more-famous-than-thou-so-suck-it-up look. I know Munko better than anyone ever wants to know him. His sister Hshiko is a bit of a mystery. She's creepy, sadistic and seems to be a little out there in the sense I don't think she's living on this planet anymore.

"I'm pretty sure a ten thousand year ols immortal being can take having a sausage thrown at him." I snapped.

"It's salami. Not sausage." Luna said grabbing the salami out of the air as Munko threw it back. "Now why am I here?" She asked.

"You didn't look in the maple tree on your way in, did you?" I asked.

"No, why?" She asked slicing the salami up to make sandwhiches.

I walked outside and looked up into the tree. Even if she had looked she wouldn't ahve seen Illmarisuoh because not even I can see him. "Illmarisuoh!" I yelled kicking the tree.

"What?" He asked irritable from behind me.

I jumped and spun around. He's hanging up-sit-down and giving me an evil death glare. It's the same look he'd give me when we were kids and I had to wake him up. It made me feel warm inside knowing he was still in there somewhere.

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