Chapter 10: Evolution

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Chapter 10


"Ayra! Ayra!" Luna shook me awake, "Something's wrong with Illmarisuoh!" She whispered loudly in my ear.

I was wake in an instant and on my way to Illmarisuoh's room in the next. I threw open the door to see his bed empty.

"The closet." Luna said running lightly over there.

She stayed outside while I went in. In the back, hidden behind piles of old boxes and board games, I found him. He was curled up into a tight ball with strands of white stuff hanging off him and attaching itself to the floor and the wall. I swiped the stuff away and shook his shoulder.

"Leave me alone!" He snapped. I was almost convinced just by his tone he was fine and playing another prank on someone. Either that or he was being weird again. He lifted his head to look at me and my hopes immdiately vanished. He's pale and breathing hard. His skin is shiny with a thin sheen of sweat. His normally blue eyes are the same blue in the middle but fade into a emerald green around the edges. He's shaking slightly as if he's cold and when I touch his forehead he's burning up with fever.

"Luna! Go get mom and dad!" I yell to her.

"Don't," he said quietly but moments later I hear they're hurried foot steps right outside of the closet. I push some stuff out of the way and they take it out and come in. Dad brings a flash light and Illmarisuoh clamps his eyes shut and curls up into a tight ball.

"Dad, turn it off!" I snap at him feeling through our twin link the light hurts his eyes. Which is why he's in the closet in the first place.

Once dad turns the light off Illmarisuoh relaxes a bit. Mom reaches out to touch his forehead like I did but he flinches away and backs himself into a corner. Mom pulls back looking hurt.

"Don't touch me. Just go away." He says.

"We should call 911." Mom says starting to get up.

"No!" Luna and Illamisuoh yell.

Mom pauses, "Why?"

"I didn't reconize it at first but this is how I was just before I fell asleep. I think Illmarisuoh is a dragonfly and Ayra being his twin is most likely a butterfly." She said, "And if you call them they'll take him away and you'll never see him again."

The idea of never seeing my brother again terrified me, "Please don't," I begged with my eyes.

Mom sighes in defeat, "Alright but Ayra, stay with him. The rest of us will be downstairs if you need us."

Once they were gone I sat down next to him and just watched. Within a couple hours the white strands I'd swiped away had come back and were quickly getting thicker and growing in number. He made a face and groaned and from his mouth poured a white slimy substance. Everytime his shoulders jumped as if he was hiccuping more of the stuff came out. That stuff also created white silk that helped to form the cocoon. It continued like that for about half an hour before he opened his eyes wide in pain and gagged. The white stuff came gushing out.

"Illamarisuoh!" I cried in alarm. He cried out a muffled sound of pain and more of the stuff came out. I reached for him but he flinched away. For the two and a half hours he kept spurting the white fluid. It stuck to him and slowly began to cove him. The stuff attached to the sides of the closet and climbed upward towards the ceiling. The ball where Illmarisuoh is became six feet long and three feet wide so he had to be standing up. At first the cocoon weeped a bunch of clear goo before it hardened a hour later and slowly started turning brown. Then it became completely still and from the entrance of the closet gray light from the dawn spilled in.

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