Chapter 6: The Butterfly Who Lost Her Wings

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After that night my mother contemplated sending me to the environment, Ryumakani showed up on my window sill. I almost closed the curtains and pretended he wasn't there but he wouldn't go away that easily so I opened my window and let him in. It was raining out so his wings are all wet.

He glares at me as he dries them off and refuses to speak to me until I threaten to scream.

"Shh, don't scream." Hs whispers appearing in front of my an putting a finger on my lips, "I am here to help you."

"Telling me I'm going to die isn't helpful!" I snap back.

"It's true though, isn't it? You're hungery right? Well here." He gives me a plastic water bottle filled with clear and slightly yellow stuff.

"What is it?" I ask suspiciously.

"It's nectar, just drink it." He snapped.

I took the cover off and smelled it. It smelled really good so I gulped it down. When it was gone I felt nice and full. He looked at me sadly.

"I swear I could kill them guys for the way they designed you butterflies." He whispered, "Outside the enviroment you don't stand a chance. There's no easily accessd food and common everyday bacteria can cause a deadly chain reaction in hours."

"What is this enviroment?" I ask.

"It's a place where other butterflies like you are born, live, gow old and die. Some are created though from human beings. I've never seen a butterfly with your wing markings so I'm going to guess you were human." He said. from the floor where he was sitting.

"Yeah, I just came out of my cocoon a couple months ago." She said shyly.

"I did too but I was never human. My father was a dragonfly but my grandmother was human and so was my grand father. Well that was a long time ago." He said dismissing it.


"Just call me Ryu," he interupted.

"Okay. Ryu where is Aponicho?" I ask.

"She's being held in the enviroment with the other butterflies most likely." He said.

We were up long into the night telling each other everything the other knew. By morning it was if we'd been friends forever.

I learned that butterflies and dragonflies both have powers but because of the butterfly's docile nature they never bothered to learn to use them. Ryu has a earth power that alows him to move rocks and dirt with his mind. The next night we found out I have a fire ability. Well it's more like and ability to create explosive sparkles. One sparkle has the same force as a pinch of gunpowder. So just a handfull has the same effect as a grenade or small bomb.

We started hanging out every night and I finally snuck out and got to meet his friends. They practicaly live in a spruced up garden shed. It's roomier and much cooler on the inside than the outside would indicate.

"Hey, guys I brought a butterfly with me." Ryu said walking inside.

"Hey, genious, it's called a girl!" A blonde haired boy said getting out a rootbeer from the refrigerator.

I took my coat off and placed it in the closet and spread my cramped wings out.

"Whoah, she's like you but prettier!" Said a boy with black curly hair on the couch.

"Oh, really?" He said and in a flash was behind him and twisting his arm behind his back, "Take it back?"

"No way!" The boy said laughing.

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