Chapter 4: Like a Dragonfly Flying High in the Sky

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Chapter 4

It's dark in here, was my first thought, It's warm too, was my second. My last one was, I can't breathe. Coming to this realization I panicked and kicked outward and felt a surface explode outward. I reached foreward and started prying it apart. I heard voices outside but paid them no mind.

I fell through air for a moment and hit the ground. I still couldn't breathe but the lack of oxygen made my limbs too heavy to move.

"He's sufforcating!" A loud voice yelled from nearby, "Remove this stuff from his face and pound his back," it said taking on an authorative tone.

I felt something rough against my face and someone slammed a hand on my back. I coughed and felt the interfernce clear from my thoat and lungs. I gasped and coughed and finally opened my eyes to see I was surrounded by my friends. They looked older than I remembered which was weird because hadn't I only been asleep for a few hours?

"Ryu, you okay?" Asked Seth my blonde headed best friend with a personality to match.

"Tired," I muttered and curled into a ball and going to sleep.

When I woke up I was alone and the room was dark. I couldn't remember where I was. I sat up and saw I was now clothed except for a shirt. I stretched my arms and wings until they tembled.

"Nice to see your awake," Seth said from the doorway.

"You look older. Did you do something to your face again?" I asked.

He nearly choked on his moutain dew, "You call me a blonde but you're the one acting like one right now Ryu. In case you haven't noticed you're older too." He said catching his breath and laughing all over again at my facial expression.

"I don't get it but if you're not going to explain and keep laughing I'm going back to bed." I said burrying myself under the blankets on the couch I'd woken up one.

"Sorry," he said still snickering, "I've been hysterical all day. You've been in that cocoon since eighth grade and that was six years ago. Then today it's like 'I'm bored. I suppose I've driven my friends crazy enough' and pop. Out you came and then you weren't breathing and we all thought you were going to die." He said starting to look hysterical.

"Hysteria doesn't work for you," I muttered.

"Says the boy who's parents think you're dead. My parents think I turned the shed into a club house for punks because the band was falling apart. We refurnished the whole place but left you're cocoon alone. We had Kaleb look after you because he does the whole science thing." He muttered.

I was losing him quickly and mentioned the first thing that popped inside of my head, "Where's Aponichi?"

"Who? Oh! She ended up in a cocoon as well and hatched out like four years ago and vanished without a trace." He said.

"Oh, I see. Guess I'll have to go save her again and blow some buildings up while I'm at it." I muttered drifting off to the sound of Seth smacking his head into the wall again and again.

When I woke up again the room was full of voices. I pried my eyes open to see Seth, Kaleb and Marcoose.

"Hey, sleeping beauty, great to see you could join us!" Marcoose said from where he was leaning against my couch.

I knocked him in the head, "Be quiet, you have no idea what it's like being part insect and being somewhere so cold."

"It's not cold in here," Kaleb said, "In fact before you considered this quite warm but the interior of your cocoon was about 150 degrees or more so until you get used to it, you'll feel quite cold."

Butterfly Butterfly 3/6/68Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora