Nineteen ~ House of Gold

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HEY GUYS LOOK I CHANGED THE COVERRRRR THANKS  MidnightVioletOwls ZANDRYYYNNNN LOVE YOUUUU (she's a friend from school that's an amazing artist)

Oh yeah and I'm ZAZZED about the book I CANT WAIT FOR OCTOBER 13th

Dan's P.O.V.

The next day I was pretty scared. And I really shouldn't be, but I've never done a prank before. So whatever happens, happens, I guess. Games is right after lunch so we talked one last time then went to the gymnasium. And the beginning of class felt like forever, but finally the class had to run laps and I acted like I was tying my shoe while the teacher yelled at the other students for running to slow. Once I knew that I was out of sight, I took out the small bottle and twisted the top off. After dropping a few tablets in PJ's water bottle, the three of us moved into a group of people running on the track. Now he just needs to drink his water and see what happens next period.

~(it's a magical leopluradon, charlie... IS THAT HOW YOU SPELL LEOPLURRRRRRRADON)

I sit in the back of the classroom while Phil and Chris sat directly in the front. They wanted to sit front and center. I just wanted to blend in. Anyway, we're presenting projects and I happen to know that PJ is first. Perfect.

"Mr. Ligouri, it's your time to present." PJ sighs, then walks to the front of the classroom with a couple papers in hand. "The book I chose is called Paper Towns by John Green." He stops reading in a monotone voice and scans the paper. I use that time to look around the room and see almost everyone has their head down probably looking at their phones because the couldn't give even two shits. They will care a lot more in a second. But the moment passes and PJ goes on again.

"This story is about a girl named Margo and-" In the middle of his sentence, I hear a gasp and feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up at the girl next to me to see her pointing at PJ. Obviously, this means that I did a great job on my part. Chris and Phil look back at me and give me a thumbs up. Mr. Waters shushes us then looks at PJ, adding a gasp. He hurriedly walks over to PJ, whispering into his ear, causing PJ's eyes to widen. He looks down, then back up again but doesn't move. Mr. Waters pushes him out the door and says, "Well under certain circumstances, you may spend the rest of the period doing whatever you like. I should be back soon," then hurries out the door. That's brings a round of cheers and applause. I walk up to the desks Chris and Phil are at.

"That was great! The pre prank is done. Now for the official first one." Phil says.

"The official first one? I thought it was just one other prank?" I ask.

"Well, I thought things over and added more, but it's nothing to worry about." All three of us walk out the door with Phil and PJ's bags, ready for the next step. We get to the boys bathroom and set down the bags (hey just saying when I was writing the word bag I kept wanting to type drugs... I don't even know why). I unzipped PJ's bag and searched around until I pulled out a tub of jell and pulled the top off. Phil then grabs a squirt bottle with blue dye from his bag, twisting off the top.

"There we go..." Phil says as he pours the blue liquid into the container. "We're done here," Chris says. "But not done yet." bring the bags back to the classroom and head to the computer room. Chris is going to hack into the faculty computer network and use the grading database to send out letters to PJ's family saying he's failing some of his classes.

"We are definitely going to get get expelled," I say.

"We're not going to get expelled because I'm the computer genius. The both of you are muscle and distraction. Well, distraction. We won't get expelled... If we don't get caught. We're just, you know, wreaking a little havoc. But remember, never get caught." Chris finishes talking and steps into the room, closing the door behind him. He waves and walks down a line of computers.

"Well... I'm bored." Phil says.

"What ere you expecting? For Chris to be in and out like Speedy Gonzales?" I say with a laugh. Phil shoves my shoulder and we laugh together. I look back into the room window to see Chris staring at the computer screen, fingers moving rapidly across the keyboard.

"It looks like Chris typing pretty fast."

"I wonder what else those fingers can do," Phil says with a smirk.

"You should be wondering what my fingers can do, because last time I checked we're dating," I say, wiggling my fingers in his face.

"Oh yeah, that means I can do this." He leans in and kisses me on the cheek.

"Ok, you've partially redeemed yourself." I hear light footsteps coming near us.

"Phil, do you hear that?"

"Yeah, someone's coming! We need a distraction!" Phil is quiet for a moment then says "Kiss me!" I blush and lean in to kiss him. The teachers will get mad at us and that should give Chris more time. The distraction.

"Hey, hey, hey! No kissing in the halls!" It's a teacher of a lower year so I don't know her name.

"Yes, sorry, we should be getting back to class too." The teacher nods and continues walking down the hall.

"That was easy. I thought she was going to interrogate us or something but whatever."

"So... I still haven't redeemed myself?"


"Then why don't I come to your house, we can cuddle and watch movies and eat everything in your pantries because you always have good food at your house." Chris comes out of the room with a smile on his face.

"Ok, we're done now. What did I miss?"

"We were the distraction you wanted."

"That's good enough for me! Let's get out of here before our next period."

And we started talking about complete nonsense until we got back to class. PJ was sent home and we'll see what happens to his hair tomorrow. It's all over the school already. No one has assumed its us. And we're just assuming that PJ will leave us alone. But you know what they say about assuming things: it makes an ass out of you and me.

Author A/N~~~

heyyyyyyoooooo. recently I've been crazy into everything peterick and fall out boy thus leading into me taking forever to update (I've been occupied with fics). what I mean by that is im acting like more of a fangirl than i usually am but all I've read this week was peterick fan fiction. I haven't read any phan or frerard or ereri and I feel weird but i think I'm just getting into another ship. but as much as I'm turning into a trash bin for peterick, Phan is and always will be my otp. also I have an idea for another phan fic. not now of course but when i finish this one. i want to call it High Life and dan is hella bad and phil is hella rad. thats all im saying about that. then there's another one one I want to call Crash with dan and phil getting into a car crash. that'll have lots of trigger warnings but those two ideas are the best I have so far WAIT WAIT WAIT ok there's this other one I have that I have chapter one written and it's a peterick fic, but should I post the chapter just so you guys can see it? Tell me and help because Pete and Patrick are too cute. I'm calling it Sing to Me. I'm going to do this one anyway because it's calling to me but HEY I SAW AMERICAN HORROR STORY HOTEL AND WHOAAA

HEY EVERYONE HERES A GOOD SONG DONT LISTEN TO ANYTHING ELSE TODAY. My song recommendation is House of Gold by Twenty One Pilots. This song... WWOOOOOWWWW YESSSSS. WILL YOU BUY ME A HOUSE OF GOLD AND WHEN YOUR FATHER TURNS TO STONE WILL YOU TAKE CARE OF ME? ahhhh that SMOLLLL BEEAANN and his ukulele. I need to learn more notes on the ukulele I only know a couple, does anyone know how to play the ukulele?

Anyway, thanks for reading and Bye 😉

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