Project Biotech

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"They gotta come off."

Those were the first words I heard after I woke up on the A51. Straight from Kachira's mouth. Everyone else heard them too, assuring me that it wasn't just a bad dream. My wings had been deemed useless after the "healed" the muscle had been so badly messed up that about all I could do was extend them and fold them back in. How's that for a double edged sword? Not only was I not respected and was made fun of by the other dragons around 51 for my tiny, 5'10 height, but now I would have to deal with the torture of losing my wings, what was next?

"I don't believe this bullshit", Uncle Tom said as he sat with Helios, Kachira and Navi next to my bed, "can't they do anything? They grew me new eyes, but their just gonna chop your wings off and be done with it?"

Navi sighed, "with all due respect sir, there was nothing they COULD do, they already tried everything they could."

I sighed as I sat up, my back still hurt from the operations.

"How long before they just put me to sleep?", I asked, "before I get to expensive to keep around?"

"You won't if your CO has anything to say about it", Uncle Thomas said, "she's outside with Jace and Yin, they been going at it for over an hour."

I peered out the window and could see Jace and Yin, looking bored, while Vortex's face was twisted in rage, she was obviously losing the battle.

"Put him in Project Biotech!", she shouted.

"We don't have that type of money Vortex", Jace said.

"It would cost several million dollars to synthesize enough artificial flesh for two wings", Yin answered.

"Your going to let the best sniper on the best team lose a huge part of his arsenal just because of a few million bucks!??! That's fuckin bullshit! We all know good and well that a few doses of the Fireblood serum costs more than that!", Vortex snarled bashing the wall with her tail, putting a crack in the concrete and knocking around the light fixtures.

"We won't do this because your throwing a tantrum", Yin said crossing her arms.

Vortex lowered her head to Yin's and bared her teeth as she spoke.

"I know you've never been on the receiving end of the beasts you've created", she snarled, "and I know, you don't want to."

"Is that a threat?", Yin asked coldly, she had about as much fear of Vortex as Vortex had of her, none at all, this was going to end in a bloodbath.

"No", Vortex said, "Yin Lee, it isn't. But do you know what would hurt you even more than me tearing you limb from limb?"

Vortex paused.

"Going rouge."

"And there it is", Uncle Thomas smiled.

"That's right", Vortex snickered, "I will walk right the fuck out of this place and I will go where you were never find me. What will I do? Maybe I'll go to the Sahara and live like Ren did, or maybe to the Galapagos Islands. OH! On second thought, I'll find Project Draco!" She grinned manically.

"You go girl", Navi laughed, "does anyone have popcorn?"

"Oh crap I just ate my last bag this morning", Helios laughed.

"Don't even consider it", Huang said, "we would find you with the tracker we implanted in you during the change."

Helios, Kachira, Navi and I exchanged glances.

"Well there's a piece of news", Helios sighed.

"Ugh", Navi moaned, "where the hell did they put them?"

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