For Eyes Only

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I slept rather easy that night. I wasn't sure why, but I did. Maybe it was finally telling someone about my ordeal and getting it off my chest that did it, but I didn't care, I was happy. When I woke up the next morning, it didn't take me long to realize that someone was in bed with me. At first I thought it might have been Sorra, but I quickly realized that the entity was much to small to be her. I yawned, wipe the sleep from my eyes and then turned to face my guest, finding it was Vortex's little sister Sophie. She was staring at me through her curious looking aquamarine eyes.

"What are you doing in my bed Sophie?", I asked smiling at her, "I'd thought you'd want to be with your sister?"

"Raffey wanted to say hi", she said showing me a little, stuffed Giraffe. It was an old, mustard yellow, had rips and tears, stitches and it's snout had been chewed on by a dog or something and it had a horrible stink like someone had fished it out of a toilet.

"Hi Raffey", I said sitting up and reaching for my shirt as the others began to wake up.

"What are those?", Sophie asked.

"What are what?", I asked pulling my tags off the window shill and hanging them around my neck.

"Those", Sophie asked poking one of the larger scars on my chest, making me wince a little.

"I got hurt really bad a few months ago", I told her as I picked her up and set her on the ground, "when I finally got better, these were what was left behind."

She tilted her head, "why are you so tinier than everyone else?"

I smiled at her, "I don't know, your smaller than me."

She looked at me, then shifted her glance to my eyes, "your eyes are pretty."

I blushed and smiled at her, "you think so?"

She shook her head enthusiastically as Vortex woke up.

"Sophie", she said lowly, "did you wake Renny up?"

"Nah", I said, "I was already awake, but for some weird reason she was in my bed..."

"It's not polite to get into other peoples beds Sophie", Vortex said as she picked her sister up and set her on her back, "tell Renny your sorry?'

"Oh it's okay Vortex", I said pulling my shorts on, "no harm done."

Vortex smiled at me and then looked at Sophie, "no more invading other people beds Sophie, agreed?"

"Okay Ainsley", Sophie said.

"Ainsley?", I asked curiously.

"My human name Renny", Vortex said.

I tilted my head, "you used to be human?"

"With the exception of you, everyone at Area 51 used to be human", Helios yawned as he woke up and pounded on Kachira's bed, "Kachira! Wake up!"

Kachira mumbled something to herself and rolled onto her stomach, covering her head with her pillow.

"I can't hear you sister", Vortex said, "what was that?"

Kachira mumbled again, "shut up assholes."

"Hey", Carter said sternly, "control the language around my daughters."

Kachira sat up, "yes sir, sorry."

Vortex woke up the rest of her team and then we went to the mess hall for breakfast. John and his brother were already at our table when we showed up.

"Mind if we join you guys for breakfast?", John asked.

"I don't care", Vortex said as we sat down.

Sharp ShooterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora