11: "Thanks mum, I'll remember that next time Louis is an asshole."

Start from the beginning

"Holy crap!" I heard Corey mumble from the section next door.

"I take it you've counted the money too!" I yelled.

"I've never seen so much in one go!" he shouted back.

There I was, holding several hundred quid, to spend on whatever the hell I liked. I didn't want to feel like I was using the boys for their money, but shit I felt rich.

Despite the large amount of money in my possession, I was still careful with it, and economised where I could. This meant that for only £100 I bought a hell of a lot of stuff. Once I reached the checkout, the cashier's eyes widened.

"Hey, you're Sienna Walker, aren't you?" she asked nervously.

"I hope so." I replied. "Otherwise I'm in a lot of trouble."

"You're such a joker," she laughed, "uh, can I like, get a picture with you?" she mumbled. My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Why would she want a picture with me? On the other hand, why wouldn't she, after all I am the bomb dot com.

"Of course." I said and she pulled her phone out of her pocket.

"Wowie, you have the iPhone 6?" I gushed, "It's so beautiful."

We took a few photos over the counter before I paid for my stuff and walked into the boys section, trying to find Corey.

"Corey?" I called, "Corey! Corey, where you at!?"

A head popped up from behind a rack of clothes.

"I'm here!" he replied. I walked round and found him struggling with a load of clothes. I picked them up and helped him carry them to the checkout. Like me, he was careful with his money and only bought what he deemed essential.

"Okie doke, I need to go to Lush, Topshop and a few other cute as heck stores, and I'm sure you have plans too?"

"Indeed, I saw a jacket in a shop the other day and fell in love. I can finally afford it now." he replied, gleaming warmly.

"Let's get going, then!"


"For the love of god, Niall, you genuinely don't need this many pairs of sunglasses." I moaned, watching him pull six pairs from the stand.

"But I like these ones. And these ones make me look cute. And these are a pretty colour. But these ones make me look more tanned. And--"

"Louis watch out!"

Zayn's voice rang out through the shop and a large crash was heard seconds later. I peered round the corner to see what was happening and Niall followed suit.

Louis and Zayn stood with their hands clapped against their mouths and their eyes wide beside several partially smashed mannequins strewn across the floor.

"Jesus Christ, what happened?"

"Well, I was doing the moonwalk and--"

"He backed into the mannequins. I did warn him." Zayn interrupted.

"I can't leave you alone for five minutes, can I?" I sighed, "I'm not even your father and I end up sorting out more of your problems than you do yourself."

Louis raised his hands in defence. "I'll pay don't worry--"

"Damn right you will," spat the shopkeeper, "look what you've done!"

"I'm sorry, it was an acciden--"

"I couldn't care less, I hope you can pay for it."

"O-of course, let me get my card."

By this time, one of the assistants had walked over, and began speaking to the manager.

"Sir, you do know who these people are right? They're FAMOUS!"

"Jackie, I couldn't give two monkeys who they are, they broke my display."

Louis followed the shopkeeper away to pay for the damage whereas the rest of the boys and I helped the assistant clean up the broken plastic.

"I'm so sorry for the damage." I said to her.


We met up again with Corey and Sienna at Starbucks and ordered some snacks.

"Remind me to never let these hooligans loose in a shop ever again." I said to them once we sat down.

"Why? What happened?" Sienna asked.

"Louis broke a mannequin," Zayn explained, "he was just being a numpt--"

"No I wasn't, I just didn't expect a mannequin to be right behind me, is all."

"Oh my god, I wish I'd been there." Corey exclaimed, cracking up.

We made small talk for several minutes before Louis suddenly widened his eyes and checked his phone.

"Oh, hey, guys we should get going, it's late."

"Wha-- Louis, its only just half three, what the hell are you on about?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Yeah but, I'm missing something." he replied, hastily packing his stuff away.

"Missing what?" we all asked in unison.

Louis mumbled something incoherently.

"What is muhmbbhemen?" I asked.

"Look, alright," Louis began, sighing lightly, "I need to get home to watch My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding 'cause not only am I slightly obsessed with it, but I also need to find out whether Donna and Carl's wedding is a disaster or not. Okay?"

"Are you serious?" Harry asked, "Is that where you lock yourself most afternoons and--"

"Look, if you're going to hold it against me, then leave the band."

Liam rolled his eyes. "If I hear that line one more time I'm gonna--"

"Hold up, that's on tonight?" Niall interjected, "We need to go guys, I missed the last episode, I can't miss this one too."

Pretty much all of us stared at the two boys blankly, before shaking our heads and getting our stuff together.

"You, Louis Tomlinson," I said, prodding his chest as we left the shopping centre, "are a loser."

"Yes, but I am a loser with a brilliant taste in TV shows." he replied, booping me on the nose and huffing off ahead of me.

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