Teaching a Stomach Manners

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  Tyler's P.O.V


  The walk to school seemed longer than usual. Or maybe it's just me? Oh, well. I stuffed Jimmy in my bookbag so I won't have to carry him. Don't worry. I made a very tiny opening so he could breathe.

  Suddenly, a squirrel came up beside me. 

  "Flapjack!" I squealed in delight. I haven't seen him in FOREVER! He must have been still bummed that I won the race. Jeez, just get over it already!

  "(makes that squirrel niose)" Flapjack said to me. Luckily, I speak fluent, squirrel.

  Traslation: I'm bored. Wanna race again?

  I thought about it.

  "I don't know, I have a rabid animal in my bookbag and I don't want it to attack me while I'm running. Ahh, who am I kidding. On your mark....get set...GO!" and we're off.

  I could feel Jimmy bouncing all around in my bookbag. Sucks to be him.

  "I won again! In yo face Flapjack! Twice!" I started doing my happy dance like the first time. I started doing really old moves in it too. The sprinkler. Then the running man. The just doing a random chicken dance.

  "TYLER would you stop embarrasing yourself in front of the whole school?!" I heard Ally yell. I see her walking towards me with a smile on her face.

  "ALLY!" I  shriek and run over to tackle her. We both fell down onto the pavement.

  "Ouch! Damn Ty, sometimes I wonder about you," she says, getting up. Wow. What an old saying. The last time I heard that was in seventh grade, where I put a cow on the second floor of our school with its sides spray painted with the phrase 'Tyler didn't do this'. Of course I got busted. Stupid teachers think they're so smart because they can read my hand writing.

  I did that little Jackie Chan move to get up and picked up my bookbag. There's something missing. But I just can't put my finger on it. Hmmm....I think it starts with a J and rhymes with Flimmy. What is it? Think, think, think. OH! Bingo!

  "Ally, Ally, Ally! Guess what I got!" I shouted. Then I pulled out Jimmy (I can't believe I forgot him) who looked really dizzy. I set him down and he instantly puked. There goes this mornings breakfast

  "YOU GOT A TIGER?!" she screamed. Ow. Remind me to always wear earplugs when around her.

  "Yes and his name is Jimmy," I say rubbing my poor ears.

  "Aww he so cute! Wait! How did you get him?" she looked at me accusingly. Gosh. It's really a pain on how smart she can be.

  "I kind of... sort of...stole him?" I say. Ally looked ready to blow if Jake and Alex hadn't showed up. 

  "You stole a tiger?" Jake asks. I nod and point to Jimmy.

  "Aww cute!" Alex picks him up and just as Jimmy is up, he throws up on Alex's shirt.

  "Eww! This was my new shirt!" He complains. Heh, heh. Omg! I totally forgot something!

  "GANGSTER MEETING FIRST PERIOD!" I suddenly yell. It's been so long since we had a meeting.

  Remember waaay back then when I said something about a group call 'The Gangsers'? Well, basically, it's a group of 7 people (obviously) who make pranks on people - mostly teachers - video tape it, and post it on the schools site for everyone to see. I made it up, so I'm like the boss or something. (Yeah, that's right. I'm in control. Be afraid.) Principal G doesn't mind, cause he ADORES me. It kinda creeps me out too. 

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