Mr. and Mrs. Creepy

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Mason's P.O.V

  2 days, 8 hours, 34 minutes, and 56 seconds.

  That's how long I have been in the hospital, staring at Tyler's unconscious body. I don't think I ever even blinked yet.

  I feel like an obsessed stalker but I don't care. The doctors said that Tyler went into a mild coma after she passed out and the screwdriver that she threw up on my shirt caused the blood to come out. How she managed to swallow a freaking screwdriver still baffles me.

  The door opened and revealed Liam. He looked completely relaxed and unaffected by his sister possibly laying on her death bed.

 "How's she doing?" he asked like today's weather.

  "How's she doing?!" I shrieked, "Dude! She's in a freaking coma! How are you not fazed by this?!?! I know I am because I can't even stop staring at her! Great, now I'm turning into a creeper. Jeez, my life is-"

  "Mason! Calm the hell down!" Liam told me. I sighed. Yeah, I'm turning more and more insane every minute.

  "You're right," I said. I feel like shit knowing I can't help my mate right now but I gotta keep my cool. Until she wakes up.

  "Dude, you gotta get outa here. I'm mean seriously, I haven't seen you even go out to take a piss. Relax. Go wolf and run around or something. YOU HAVE TO KEEP YOUR HUMANITY!" he shouted that last part. I snorted. We both know here that I'm not human. Neither is Liam. Only Tyler. I wonder why she is human, yet her brother is a werewolf? I guess I'll have to ask sometime.

  "You're right. Hey, why are you not reacting in any way to Tyler in a coma?" I asked. It has been killing me to not know the answer. What kind of brother doesn't want to know his little sister is safe?!

  Liam shrugged. "This isn't the first time Tyler ended up like this. I've seen worse on her. Trust me, before Tyler even was a teenager, she was on a first name basis with half of the doctors back home." With that, he walked out.

  She's been in worse? This isn't the first time? What the hell does this chick do for a living?! On second thought, I don't want to know.

  Liam was right. I need to get out of this room for a couple of minutes. I held in my pee for too long and I really gotta go now. Well, when nature calls...

   I come back from my bathroom break and back to Tyler. But something has me stopping two feet away from her hospital bed.

  The heart monitor.

  It wasn't beeping.

  It had a straight line going through it.

  Then, I ran straight to Tyler and tried to stop the horrible noise that was concluding my greatest fear. No. She can't die! Not now!

  "No, no, no! Please don't leave me," I pleaded with my life, but Tyler just laid there. Motionless. My heart began to crumble to tiny little shards. And I couldn't see her no more. Everything was blurry. Tears filled my eyes as I now know. 

  She's dead.

  Tyler is dead.

  She will never open her eyes again.

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