Twenty Three

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okay, so I haven't updated in ages and I don't know why but I just felt like writing again so here I am.

So since it's been so long, for the readers who totally lost interest and forgot about what had happened in this story so far, I'll quickly state the events.

- Luke's still not with Ashton (ugh wow lewk)

- Malum's probs having a root now and then (like bros do)

- Lauren's sassy

- Ashton's still being a sad little boy becasue he hasn't seen his bf in a while (same)

- last time he cried in his room (wow same)

and here's what you missed on glee.

lmao anyway, back to the story.


Ashton's POV

I look at my blonde friend in amusement as he stuffs a whole burger in his mouth.

"Wow you can really fit that in, can ya?" I say.

Niall looks at me with sauce running down his mouth and he chuckles. "At least I stuff food in my mouth and not dick meat"
"You want some Ash?"

I look at him in disgust and shake my head, "I'm good," i say looking away feeling slightly offended.

"What's up with you lately, you're acting weird," he says. I simply shrug, leaving Niall unsatisfied.
"Stop shruggin' you shrugger," he says, pushing me playfully.
I sigh.
"I just miss my Lukey," I pout. I flop my arms down and groan in frustration. I feel so whiny lately but I just can't help it, I must be on my man period or something. Ew gross.
Niall rolls his eyes and rests his head on his hand, pretending to act interested in his rude sarcastic way.

"I'm gonna kill him when I see him, I swear to god, no one should feel the pain I do right now," I huff.
Niall just nods, and nods. I don't think he actually cares.

Niall raises his eyebrows, "you never know, he might already be dead."

My mouth hangs low and I punch him on the arm. "Don't say that!"

He laughs and raises his hands up in defence, obviously not taking this seriously at all. He's meant to be my friend and all he is right now is annoying.

Finally I spot Calum and I give him a wave, motioning for him to come here. He has this stupid smile on his squishy face, and his eyes are barely visible from the happiness shining from him.

"Are you on drugs Cal?" I ask, feeling concerned for my friend.
He pulls a derpy face and shakes his head. "No! I'm just feeling good."

"And why is that Hood?"

"Hehe that rhymed," Niall chuckled.
I ignore him and focus on Calum.
"What? Pfft I'm not going to tell you," he laughs.

"Why are you so down anyway, your birthday's coming up soon," he reminds me, and gives me a nugde.

My birthday. How could I forget? I'm finally going to be 18, then boom, I graduate this year. I haven't even thought about it, and now that I am...thinking about it... I'm pretty damn nervous.

"Fuck what am I going to do for my birthday?" I sigh to myself.

"Don't stress mate, it's going to be shockingly great," Calum says.

Hmm probably not. Should I even have a party this year?

After talking more about how old I'm getting and how much sex I should be having. Niall then changes the topic and brings up Harry.
"So I heard you hung out with Harold. Um?"

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