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Luke's POV

I tried calling Ashton last night but he wouldn't pick up. I'm starting to get really worried about whatever happened yesterday when Ashton's mum arrived back home. I just know it was something to do with his mum by the look on his face and the sudden silence when I saw Ashton's mum walk inside.

I'm not one to bug in or get into people's business but if it's affecting Ashton then I want to know so I can make him feel better.

Michael laughs with Harry across the small hallway and I walk over to them, slapping both of their faces by their surprise. Harry chucks me a cheeky smile and I return with a small one, trying my best to hide the worry and anxiety I have about Ashton.

"So did you do your homework?" Harry asks. I sigh and shake my head, "dammit I forgot."

Harry shrugs not really having any sympathy towards me.

Not completing homework isn't that bad I guess but this year has already been the worst for me in school. I may be cruising it so far but lately I've been really lazy and I really thought I had been cured from my "depressed" moment in life but maybe the pills are still necessary.

Like I said before, I used to be focused and good at school but now my focus has gone off the tracks and now I think I might be failing some classes, which is far from what I want to do.

I enter the classroom with Michael and Harry and we take our usual seats. Instantly, I feel sets of eyes stare at me, the girls not even trying to hide their attraction towards me.

I huff out a laugh and turn my head back to Michael, tapping on his shoulder.

"Ash didn't text or call me back last night, I think something's wrong." I say.

Michael sighs and pats me on the shoulder, "ahh he'll be right Luke, you're just over reacting."

"Ooo you guys talking about Luke's boy toy Ashton? How is he? Did you do stuff yesterday?"

I snap my eyes at Harry, who is panting with excitement for stuff about Ashton. I roll my eyes and shake my head, "nothing happened Haz, he just watched us play and that's it."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and rolled his eyes, "Wow boring, I'm so glad me and Louis aren't as dull as you guys."

"We aren't even dating like you two!" I say.

Harry leaned over and slouched, "have you guys been on dates?"

I nod slowly.

"Then you guys are dating."

Oh okay, I didn't realise...

We've done sexual and intimate stuff but I didn't think we were a...thing.

"When will you ask him to be your boyfriend?" Harry asks. I stutter and look around the room. "I-I don't know? should I do it soon?" I ask.

He widens his eyes and nods eagerly, "yes yes yes!! Do it today or something!"

"What? I'm not doing it today!"

"Whatever man, you just got to do it soon, he likes you a lot you know." Harry says, turning back around as the teacher calls out his name.

Michael turns around to face me, "If you ask him, I'll tell Calum that I like him."

Harry spits all over the table and widens his eyes, "You like Calum? The Asian Calum?!...Wait or the short black kid Calum?"

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