Chapter 7: Why her?

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Marzia pov
I don't know what to do. I'm trying to keep myself together but its hard. I'm trying to stay whole. For everyone. Including me. I heard the locks on the door unlocking. The door opened slowly and everyone simultaneously looked at the door. "..Anna..?!" I stood straight up looking at her. "You're here! Thank god someone's here to save us! How'd you get in? Doesn't matter! Hurry lets go I need to get back to Felix!" I started to go to the door and she closes it. Anna laughed at my face like it was the funniest thing she's ever seen. "Oh Marzia, if only you were as smart as you are funny. I'm not here to save you. In fact, I'm part of the reason you're here with me." I felt my heart drop and my stomach turn. "Why..? I thought-" I said "you thought what exactly? I was your 'friend'? Ha. Never in a million years would I do that. " she said interrupting me. "We worked together for years Anna. Why would you do this to me? To anyone actually. This is sick!" I tried holding my tears back. But one slipped out. "Awe, Marzia don't cry. You'll get your answers soon enough. But for now you're going to have to question yourself." With that she left. I don't understand how someone so close to me could do this. I feel like everything I know is just a lie.

Felix pov
"Where to Felix?" Clara asked. Before I could finish I heard a groan in the back seat. "Mom.." Her son said in shear pain. "I'm here honey. Don't freak out.. You have stitches and I don't want you to rip them.." Clara said calmly. "What!?" The boy said trying to sit up straight causing more pain. I looked into the mirror while driving "if I were you I'd listen to your mother." His eye looked like it was going to pop out of his head and acted like he wasn't in pain anymore after he seen me. "Pewdiepie??" He said with excitement. I laughed a bit. "Yeah it's me." "Its such an honor to meet you my names David.. Why am I here with you..? And why do I have an injury..? Is this a freaking dream!?" David said with confusion. Clara and I laughed. "Don't we have a story to tell you"

"So let me get this straight, I was attacked on the streets with you and you dragged me inside Felix's house. Got my blood everywhere, packed our things up in his car and now we're off to find Marzia? " David said. I laughed a bit "well yeah pretty much. Nothing out of the ordinary. " I smile. I looked at the fuel tank and looked back at the road. "We'll have to find a gas station. The fuels getting pretty low and I'm hungry" I said. "It's like you read my mind" Clara said laughing a bit.
I pulled up by a gas pump. "I'll be right back. What do you guys want to eat?" I asked waiting for everyone's order. "Can I get dill pickle Pringles? Those sound so bomb right about now. " David asked. "Sure, anything you want Clara?" I asked. "Yeah, just some lays chips any kind will do." Clara said. "Pringles and a bag of air coming up" I laughed to myself getting out of the car going into the gas station. As soon as I walked in it looked as if it was ambushed. The aisles were knocked over, the light above was flickering. Some busted. "What the hell..hello? Is anyone in here?" I said looming under the aisles that's been knocked over. As I stood up I felt something metal at the back of my skull and a click. "Don't you dare move an inch unless you want a bullet through your skull. " I froze. If I want scared when I walked in I'm sure as hell scared now. "Who are you and why are you here? Are you one of them?" I felt the gun push harder on my head. I was too scared to even talk. "Speak or else dammit!" The women said strictly. "My names Felix. I'm just here for gas and food! I don't know what your talking about! I'll leave and won't say a word to anyone I promise! " I said very shaky. I felt the gun get lifted from the back of my head letting a sigh of relief out. I don't dare turn around. I hear her shoes clap onto the ground grabbing bags of things and the buttons from the cash register. "Here, you should have enough gas on the pump to fill it up. And here are all the bags of chips I could find." The women said. I turned around slowly still frighted from what happened. I took the bag of chips and nodded "thanks.."I said not letting my eyes off her. She looked at me with a bit of sympathy in her eyes. Not much, but some shaking her head a bit. "You absolutely have no idea what's happening in this world do you Felix?" She said. "I don't know what you mean.." I said with a bit of concern and confusion. She sighed. "If you haven't noticed these past 24 hours an outburst happened." She stated. "As in..?" "People are killing and eating each other.. They're not.. People.. Anymore." She said putting her gun back in the holster. "What..? Like.. Zombies..? Legit zombies..?" I said in disbelief. She's lying there's no way in hell this is happening. "You can deny the truth if you want. But only for so long." I started to back away from her towards the door opening it not leaving my eyes off her. "Be careful out there Felix. You'll see. " and with that I sprinted to the car.
"Felix! Are you okay? I put the gas in before you came out so we could just hurry up and go." Carla said with a smile. I was still frighted from what the women said inside the store. "Get in" I said opening up my door quickly getting inside. "What?" Carla said opening up the door. "Hurry up we have to go. Now. " she hurried in the car shutting it as I turned on the car speeding off. Carla looked worried. I looked in the back and seen that David had the same face. I turned on the radio. " *beeeeep beeeep beeeep* warning to all. There has been an outbreak. Please remain inside until further notice.*beeeeep beeeep beeeep*" the radio screeched. "What does that mean by 'outbreak' ?" I tried to ignore her by changing the station but every station had the same, if not similar announcement. Clara turned the radio off. "What happened in that gas station Felix?" She said in a very concerning voice. " there was a women in that store. She had me at gun point-" "she what!? We need to call the police! Are you okay!?" Carla interrupted. "There's no police Carla.. People are eating and killing each other.. We-" I started to say. My phone started to go off. Anna. Popped up on the caller ID. I immediately picked the phone up. "Hello? Anna? Have you heard from Marzia? Is she okay?" I said as soon as I accepted the call. "Felix. Shane has Marzia! He has a few other girls as well!" She sounded sick to her stomach. "Who? How do you know that?" Carla kept the phone up to my ear while I drove. " Shane called me..he told me I was next. I'm scared and I don't know what to do.." I heard her crying over the phone. "Don't worry Anna tell me where you're at and I'll come get you. " I told her gripping onto the wheel tighter as my knuckles began to turn white. "I'm in America you can't. I'll have to get ahold of my brother. Hell take care of me. I called you to tell you I think I might know where she's at.." I bit my lip a bit. "Where?" I asked nervously. "Go to the building on factory street. Last building.. I think Shane was dropping hints at where they're at and that's the only place I could think of..please be careful.." The line went dead before I could reply back to her. "Who's Anna..?" Clara asked quietly. "She's someone who might know where Marzia is." I turned down factory street and zoomed down the street. God please let her be there..
Yet another chapter (:
Schools been happening and just. Everything being on my shoulders.
Anyways, yeah here it is(: any suggestions? Comment(:

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