10. One Of Those Days - Part 1

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Today was another one of those days when everything just continued going downhill the minute I woke up. Actually I woke up late, so even before that. I covered my bags with concealer and lined my eyes with a white liner, making me look a lot more awake than I felt. After throwing on a pink 'I heart Las Vegas' pullover and floral skater skirt, I also looked a lot more put together on the outside than I was on the inside. My body felt as if it were a hundred pounds, no, not the money kind. The kind of pounds where every step was an effort and every movement made me want to crawl back in bed and sleep for the rest of the year.

When I made it to school I had test corrections in one of my AP classes because guess who failed? Wait for it!That's right I did. After only making it through half though, I made my way to first period where it was time to take another test in my worst subject: math. Walking out the class feeling like a failure the rest of my day dragged on as if over a hundred nails and spikes. A lot of people commented on my outfit exclaiming "Oh you look so cute!" and "That skirt is gorgeous!" while on the inside I felt like I had hit a new low. I was left with homework in most of my classes too and to top it off it was storming so hard buckets of rain were falling from the sky.

By the time I made it to the bus I was soaked and ready to pass out. Closing my eyes I listened to the acoustic sounds of Ed Sheeran and surrendered myself to the darkness.

When I woke again we had long passed my stop and were at the very last one. Just a boy and myself remained on the bus and I was in an unfamiliar neighborhood probably a 40 minute walk to my house. The bus jerked to a halt, breaks screeching and the boy, who I recognized as Luke from my AP Science class, winded his way to the front of the bus. When he saw me he gave me a confused look, brows drawing together and stopped in front of my seat. "(Y/N)? What are you still doing here?"

"I fell asleep and missed my stop," I sighed while putting my headphones away. I looked up at him while the bus driver coughed, impatiently waiting for us to leave. He looked surprised and his eyes were full of sympathy probably in regards to the fact I looked like a lost 12 year old with bleary eyes. I hadn't known Luke that long, only a year and we never really started talking until last semester. While he wasn't my best friend he was the closest thing I had to anyone right now.

"Why don't you come by me? He questioned thoughtfully. "I can drive you home when my mom brings the car from work. It shouldn't be too long." He looked at me hopeful, his big blue eyes wide, alert and comforting. And when I didn't move he awkwardly looked down and cleared his throat as he said "Or not." He started walking off the bus when I finally snapped back to reality and jumped up after him. I scrambled down the stairs, my backpack slinging off one shoulder. "Wait!" I shouted as the bus roared and took off down the block. He turned around and smiled making my insides flop and extended his hand to me.

"I knew you couldn't resist this," he joked as I took his hand and he pulled me along next to him.

"Oh shut up," I laughed and nudged him off the sidewalk. He quickly fell back into step next to me shaking his head. He hadn't let go of my hand, I realized, but I didn't question it and gave him a light squeeze. We walked the next block in silence, the only sounds being the birds chirping and breeze ruffling the remaining red and yellow leaves on the trees. It was cold for early September but I had never loved anything more than this type of weather. I took a deep breath of fresh air and sighed happily, my mood drastically improved from the day.

Luke smiled down at me. "I take it you're enjoying the breeze?" He questioned as he kicked a rock off the sidewalk. I met his eyes and nodded with a smile on my face, too content to speak. We reached the corner house and he abruptly turned and started up the driveway. He had a cute, baby blue painted home with white shutters and an old fashioned knocker on the front door. He released my hand as we stepped up onto the porch, taking his keys out and unlocking the door. I stood behind him watching as he licked his lips and pushed the door open, and I trailed wordlessly behind him as he beckoned me into his home..
A/N: Vote and Comment for Part 2 guys, I've already got half of it done. 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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